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Search results

  1. #1 bro


    I think with most people here this is less "wires in the brain are messed up and sensory input gets muddled synesthesia" and more "learned the alphabet from a book where each letter was colored something different and now permanently believes A to be blue synesthesia". I mean as far as I'm...
  2. #1 bro

    What is your favorite Beatles song?

    A favorite Beatles song is one of those things that everyone has to have for some arbitrary reason, just like "subject in school" or "flavor of ice cream" so that when someone inevitably brings it up in a conversation you have a reply ready and waiting. Anyway what is yours? Mine is "Long...
  3. #1 bro

    All-time top 5 video games

    1: Super Mario 64 2: Super Mario Sunshine 3: Super Mario Bros. 3 4: Super Mario World 5: the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask :P runners up: any pokemon game (they are all pretty much the same), Chibi-Robo, the LSD Dream Emulator
  4. #1 bro

    Save Points

    I really don't see why you shouldn't be able to save at any time, in any game... Well, in some games like Castlevania, Metroid, Paper Mario, Final Fantasy, etc when you die you go back to the last time you saved, so in those games it makes no sense for you to be able to save anywhere. But I...
  5. #1 bro


    holy shit same here!! :O
  6. #1 bro

    Ground Zero Mosque

    I don't think the WBC actually kills people - they just hold up signs and be dicks to everyone.
  7. #1 bro

    Ground Zero Mosque

    I like how this is the biggest issue in america right now. People are so fucking retarded sometimes honestly. Stop caring about dumb bullshit that doesn't matter
  8. #1 bro


    I have this too, except 9 times out of 10 it's just based on the cover of the album art. :P A few of my favorite albums, though, have a different color for each song (on In Rainbows, Bodysnatchers is red, Weird Fishes is blue, All I Need is purple, Reckoner is yellow, and pretty much everything...
  9. #1 bro

    Reverse Racism?

    If I met a black person (or asian person, or hispanic person, whatever) who genuinely DID NOT like any white people the same way KKK members do not like any black people, then that guy would definitely be an asshole and in the wrong (I mean who does that?) But I think we all can take bit of...
  10. #1 bro

    PersonalDNA Personality Tests

    considerate experiencer... i like how i am apparently a True Man with only 2% femininity. I also have 0% confidence and 0% authoritarianism. AWESOME!!! honestly these tests are kind of dumb though. I don't think most people really know themselves well enough to give an accurate answer to most...
  11. #1 bro


    The "comfy and easy to wear" line is definitely one of the most profound tidbits of wisdom in any video game. I probably could not describe shorts any better. I'm wearing some now and they are most definitely comfy and easy to wear. Oh my goodness.
  12. #1 bro


    oh, yeah. I was confused sorry.
  13. #1 bro


    yeah okay but if we need the tiny subtle distinction between "i like attractive people regardless of gender"sexual and "i like both genders"sexual then we also need like 1000 other sexuality names like "i only like girls and dudes that look like girls but no other dudes"sexual or "i only like...
  14. #1 bro


    I really don't understand why you need to call yourself "pansexual"... "bisexual" tells people everything they want to know and "pansexual" I think carries more of a stigma (the very first thing that comes to my mind when someone says bisexual is the singer of mcr, the very first thing that...
  15. #1 bro

    Your collections

    I always wanted to collect some stupid inane thing but I can't think of anything good. Any suggestions?
  16. #1 bro


    Re: I'm not entirely sure where this belongs... lol anyway skepticism is for tools, you probably are psychic. go control people's minds!!
  17. #1 bro

    Tell me some good musics

    If you like Sleigh Bells, allow me to recommend HEALTH, they're kind of a tribal noise/electronic band in a similar vein that you may or may not have heard of. I saw them live the other day at Lollapalooza and it might have been the best show I have seen in my life - truly mind blowing. Anyway...
  18. #1 bro

    Harry Potter

    Harry Potter was awesome!! My favorite books were 4 and 5 - goblet of fire because it just had the coolest plot in my opinion and order of the phoenix because it was the first one that didn't really have its own plot and just focused on the bigger issues of the series as a whole, but it was...
  19. #1 bro

    Your Top 10 Favourite Albums

    foreign contaminent!!!! i love your taste in music!! are you at lolla again this year?
  20. #1 bro

    Ground Zero Mosque

    how could anyone possibly be opposed to this??? WORST CASE SCENARIO: the mosque is actually being built by radicals who agree with osama as sort of a fuck you thing, for a week people are pissed, then they forget about it and muslim families have another place to pray now. i mean seriously.
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