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Search results

  1. Bonkenhi

    *zips mouth closed about LTTP* My avatar was made by a good friend of mine, who sadly gets hit...

    *zips mouth closed about LTTP* My avatar was made by a good friend of mine, who sadly gets hit by avatar/signature requests all the time. =P I'm partially to blame. XD I was considering going on to go on about how life would be if Whales lived in Wales. I wonder if a whale could speak Welsh...
  2. Bonkenhi

    Happy birthday to you, this cake is for you...

    Happy birthday to you, this cake is for you: http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:eSo08eqX2SN_bM:http://scienceblogs.com/retrospectacle/all%2520my%2520base%2520cake.bmp Yes, I stole it from Google. ;_;
  3. Bonkenhi

    Haha, you're everywhere. =P Try find me on YouTube next. XD

    Haha, you're everywhere. =P Try find me on YouTube next. XD
  4. Bonkenhi

    Ah. My favourite dungeon. I have to say, the boss there was just so unexpected, which was win. =P

    Ah. My favourite dungeon. I have to say, the boss there was just so unexpected, which was win. =P
  5. Bonkenhi

    Ah... you're playing through it now? Where are you up to?

    Ah... you're playing through it now? Where are you up to?
  6. Bonkenhi

    I'm bored and want to find random things to talk to people about. Even if that's finding out how...

    I'm bored and want to find random things to talk to people about. Even if that's finding out how a computer runs a marathon in 2 hours... XD I'm strange. =) SMG is FTW, and Zelda must be your favourite series, right? Not a big fan of Link to the Past? =O I loved that game. XP
  7. Bonkenhi

    That is now my favourite YouTube Poop. Before 2 minutes in, it didn't look that epic, but...

    That is now my favourite YouTube Poop. Before 2 minutes in, it didn't look that epic, but... wow, was I wrong. XD Fantastic find, you sir, win. Favourite 5 games?
  8. Bonkenhi

    Well, you're funnier than every other computer I know. What's your ideal meal?

    Well, you're funnier than every other computer I know. What's your ideal meal?
  9. Bonkenhi

    Subways are win. I like that Meatball one. =P As for my favourite non-subway sandwich, I love...

    Subways are win. I like that Meatball one. =P As for my favourite non-subway sandwich, I love ham sandwiches with brown bread. Do you watch YouTube poop? *Yes, you are the unfortunate victim of my questions of doom.*
  10. Bonkenhi

    Hello, murky crow. What's your favourite type of sandwich?

    Hello, murky crow. What's your favourite type of sandwich?
  11. Bonkenhi

    Oh, wait, Japan. So, how did you run a 26 mile marathon in 2 hours? =P

    Oh, wait, Japan. So, how did you run a 26 mile marathon in 2 hours? =P
  12. Bonkenhi

    Forgive me for my inexperience of talking to computers. You see, I don't really speak to my...

    Forgive me for my inexperience of talking to computers. You see, I don't really speak to my computer much, and you're the first one I've spoken too. So, where were you made?
  13. Bonkenhi

    So I heard you were going to make a mobile mansion. =O Can I live in the attic? =O

    So I heard you were going to make a mobile mansion. =O Can I live in the attic? =O
  14. Bonkenhi

    So... uh... how much memory can you store?

    So... uh... how much memory can you store?
  15. Bonkenhi

    Oh hi there. =D

    Oh hi there. =D
  16. Bonkenhi


    You sir, are awesome. =D Welcome to TCoD.
  17. Bonkenhi


    No! Of course not! NEVER EVER EVER. =O AS IF I WOULD WANT TO SEE UMBREON PERFORMING umm, no. Not a single reason... (Damn, I wish Godot would steal my coffee too.)
  18. Bonkenhi

    Ermmm... Hi?

    Fellow Mikefollower, welcome to the cave of Mikefollo-dragonflies, I mean... =P
  19. Bonkenhi

    Because an Umbreon in an issue with such an epic number would be epic... right?

    Because an Umbreon in an issue with such an epic number would be epic... right?
  20. Bonkenhi

    That's a damn awesome submarine then. =D How much caffeine have you had this week?

    That's a damn awesome submarine then. =D How much caffeine have you had this week?
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