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Search results

  1. ZimD

    Pokemon Name Game III

    Noctowl :3
  2. ZimD

    Pokemon Name Game III

    Well, you all know the deal - post a Pokemon that starts with the last letter of the one immediately preceding it ("Electabuzz" could be followed by "Zapdos", then "Shroomish", and so on). I'll just pick up exactly where I left off, with Lumineon!
  3. ZimD

    The "Fwee" thread II

    Re: The "Fwee" Thread, Mk II I think I'm finally figuring out how to be happy with what I have and enjoy my life as it is. I'm done beating myself up over the things I don't have and trying to live up to the standards of others. I'm going to worry about what makes me happy, without comparing my...
  4. ZimD

    no, i mean it sucks that the last two episodes of season 4 are missing. all 4 seasons are awesome

    no, i mean it sucks that the last two episodes of season 4 are missing. all 4 seasons are awesome
  5. ZimD

    solitary is an amazing show, every episode (except the final two episodes of season 4, which...

    solitary is an amazing show, every episode (except the final two episodes of season 4, which sucks) is on hulu, you should check it out
  6. ZimD

    This topic goes backwards

    I have a lot of new music I need to check out... I still have like six CDs that I got from the library that I need to put on my computer, and I think they're due back soon.
  7. ZimD

    You're Banned (Reincarnate)

    You're banned because I actually don't know any Italian - I just used to love Invader Zim, when I was like 8, so I Babelfish'd it into Spanish when I needed a new AIM screen name, and now I just sort of use this out of habit. No Italian involved. You fool.
  8. ZimD

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. [105] Mew [105] Celebi [110] Jirachi [100] Shaymin [90] Manaphy [70] Victini Hurt Victini, heal Jirachi
  9. ZimD

    earthquake you die now

    earthquake you die now
  10. ZimD


  11. ZimD

    such an amazing reply

    such an amazing reply
  12. ZimD


  13. ZimD

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. Ordinarily it should have more than 6 options, preferably 8-12, but no real big deal. [100] Mew [105] Celebi [105] Jirachi [100] Shaymin [90] Manaphy [90] Victini Hurt victini (because I have no idea wtf that is since I've intentionally avoided finding out ANY...
  14. ZimD

    same, i've overall been in a good mood lately

    same, i've overall been in a good mood lately
  15. ZimD

    oh thats pretty nifty

    oh thats pretty nifty
  16. ZimD

    can i leave myself a visitor message

    can i leave myself a visitor message
  17. ZimD

    A Girl Asked Me Out!

    I can't be the only one who thought of this, can I? Maybe just because it's Christmastime. But, congrats! that's awesome :)
  18. ZimD

    so how has life been treating you

    so how has life been treating you
  19. ZimD

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ is the most pro-war person you'll ever meet
  20. ZimD

    What Pokemon move would you learn in real life?

    Camouflage/Double Team would be useful together for theft and such - make a copy of me to chill in my room, turn invisible, break into somewhere, steal shit. And I could use it for other shit too, the "other shit" totally not involving being a major creeper. Pay Day for money, but that's such a...
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