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Search results

  1. ZimD

    The LGBT Club

    i honestly never really knew it was until i just googled it. i had no idea it was about matthew shepherd even haha. i'd heard of it but wasn't sure what it was until, like. a few hours ago. i'm probably just gonna wear a gay rights shirt that i'm making in my graphic arts class anyway, i know...
  2. ZimD

    The LGBT Club

    HOLY SHIT I'M SO EXCITED FOR SATURDAY okay so i haven't been in this site in forever or this particular thread in even longer (even though i re-started it). but guess what's going to happen this saturday? A local high school, not one that I go to but a very nearby one in the same district as...
  3. ZimD

    Stupid fundies are stupid

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahWmkV0mtvk they're right you guys. this is totally satan singing.
  4. ZimD

    Ground Zero Mosque

    Not reading through this shit because it's way too long, but the 'Ground Zero' 'Mosque' isn't on Ground Zero, and isn't a mosque, and the First Amendment makes it literally illegal to prevent this thing from being built, so I don't see what the hell anyone can possibly be angry about.
  5. ZimD


    i don't think i really have it. i mean i occasionally perceive certain letters and shit as being certain colors but i can't like see sounds or anything. so i don't really have it more than i'm assuming most people do, i don't think that it's overly uncommon to identify numbers or letters with...
  6. ZimD

    Post here to get your +1 while pretending to care about my feelings

    i usually ignore the introduction forum but this title made me lol irl so anyways hi, welcome, and bye bc we'll probably never see each other again
  7. ZimD

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. [35] PC [85] Wii [165] NDS hurt pc heal ds
  8. ZimD

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. oh hey a new list managed to start in the 2 months since i've been on here anyways, i'm hurting wii and healing ds [45] PC [105] Wii [155] NDS
  9. ZimD

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    I have had a total of four, but presently only have one (excluding red Gyarados, it doesn't count): 1. Shiny Zigzagoon in Sapphire. I didn't know how rare shinies were back then so I released it because I'd already trained a Linoone and didn't see why I should want a second one just because it...
  10. ZimD

    i think "10 points from gryffindor" would be more appropriate personally

    i think "10 points from gryffindor" would be more appropriate personally
  11. ZimD

    Harry Potter

    I've never seen any of the movies because I've heard that they cut a lot of shit out and are bad as remakes of the books, but I plan on seeing them eventually. I'd never read any of the books except the first like 2 so I decided to read them all this summer and they really are amazing. I can't...
  12. ZimD

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

    we do but i haven't had internet! you are oh-so-fun to annoy. and i mean that in the most loving way possible, i assure you
  13. ZimD


    wtf i have never heard of ANY of these kinds that people are talking about. i have never heard of peanut butter or almond or anything besides the 3 in the poll in my life... i am WAY behind on my M&M news
  14. ZimD


    i legitimately do like shorts and find them to be far more comfortable and easy to wear than jeans
  15. ZimD


    BLUE FTW. they're just... better. red ones also. yes i always do that too. i feel like i'm all gross because i'm essentially drinking M&M's, but then it tastes so good that i don't care. i firmly believe that every house should give out mini M&M's for halloween.
  16. ZimD

    hello random conservative person who i barely know

    hello random conservative person who i barely know
  17. ZimD

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers?

    @pwnemon: i can't tell whether i like you or not yet but you seem interesting so i want to get to know you more
  18. ZimD


    Which do you think is the best? I adore all 3 varieties, but my favorite as of right now has to be Mini M&M's. But what about you?
  19. ZimD

    you are most welcome!

    you are most welcome!
  20. ZimD

    Proposition 8

    proposition 8 being declared unconstitutional pretty much has made me happier than a lot of things have in a while. also he said it was unconstitutional because he isn't a dumbass, not because he's some biased faggot trying to corrupt the fuck out of our great christian government. or whatever...
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