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Search results

  1. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Does holding Down + B when catching something do anything?

    Ever since I first started playing Pokémon on Game Boy nearly a decade ago I've been into the habit of holding the down arrow and the B button down when catching a Pokémon, just at the moment when the Pokéball opens and the Pokémon goes inside. The rumour back then was that doing this would make...
  2. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Bands/groups you've seen live?

    I have a feeling I've missed a couple out, there were a few :S Meh definitely seen all these anyway, some were better than others hahaa. Amputated Artillery Avulsed Breedapart Detrimentum Dillenger Escape Plan Dirty Pretty Things Dyscarnate Enter Shikari Evile Fleshrot Flotsam and Jetsam...
  3. Effigy of the Forgotten

    The Most Forgotten Pokemon

    Dunsparce is basically uber and better than Mewtwo and Deoxys combined so I have no idea why people forget about it. Used to sweep entire teams with it on Netbattle haha, what a Pokémon. Gligar was another one I used to use a lot that nobody else did. Couple of Swords Dances and it was...
  4. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Question Time

    While Nick Griffin is clearly a cockshiner of the highest order, I wasn't wholly fond of the Question Time debate with him. Not because it didn't make him out to be a fool and a bigoted prick - it did - but because if the BBC really wanted to treat the BNP fairly and the same as the other...
  5. Effigy of the Forgotten

    University Applications

    I'm on a gap year atm, changed my mind about my course so having to reapply, which does at least mean I can retake a couple of modules that I think I could have done better in. I want to do Philosophy at London Met or Manchester Met uni, obviously have a few others down in case I don't get into...
  6. Effigy of the Forgotten

    thank you, I shall try :D

    thank you, I shall try :D
  7. Effigy of the Forgotten

    hello again

    :P I see someone remembers me. Cheers for the welcome both of you, let's see if I can stay relatively active this time lol
  8. Effigy of the Forgotten

    Your Top 10 albums of the 2000's

    Death metal's my thing so most of these are fairly heavy. Also included a bit about why I love each one and a Youtube link in case anyone fancies checking out their music. Each and every one of these bands are fantastic and definitely deserve extra attention. So here we go... THE LIST: Infected...
  9. Effigy of the Forgotten

    FR/LG stuck in the Sevii Islands

    Hmmm, done the stuff on One Island, looks like I have to go to the Ice Cave then, I swear there was nothing in it when I checked before, will have to look again a bit harder :P Cheers for the link didn't realise that was on the site lol :D
  10. Effigy of the Forgotten

    hello again

    Header's really annoying me so might as well introduce myself here :P so yeah, hi, I am Effigy of the Forgotten. I'm not really that new, in fact if you've been on this forum for a while you might remember me as Nido(on the Invisionboard)/Dr Salvador, so hi to anyone I used to know. If I don't...
  11. Effigy of the Forgotten

    FR/LG stuck in the Sevii Islands

    First, hello there, used to be on this forum years ago as Nido/Dr Salvador but can't remember my account details lol :P I've recently found my GBA and Fire Red after a long time not playing, got back into the game out of boredom. Problem is, haven't played this game in fucking ages so I can't...
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