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Search results

  1. screaming-yellow-madness

    I'm back!

    I'm back!
  2. screaming-yellow-madness

    crud! my mom found out that i'm on the computer! I have to do one sheet of homework then I can...

    crud! my mom found out that i'm on the computer! I have to do one sheet of homework then I can go back on. bye!
  3. screaming-yellow-madness

    caring dalek, IT'S AN OXYMORON!

    caring dalek, IT'S AN OXYMORON!
  4. screaming-yellow-madness

    more than usual! usual for Eve is still very jerk-like!

    more than usual! usual for Eve is still very jerk-like!
  5. screaming-yellow-madness

    oh yeah! I won that one! but I was the first one out.

    oh yeah! I won that one! but I was the first one out.
  6. screaming-yellow-madness

    you get into the finals for everything! lucky.

    you get into the finals for everything! lucky.
  7. screaming-yellow-madness

    the teacher pronounced biopsy wrong! didn't you get into the finals or something?!

    the teacher pronounced biopsy wrong! didn't you get into the finals or something?!
  8. screaming-yellow-madness


  9. screaming-yellow-madness

    well you shouldn't really expect that kinda thing from me! REMEMBER THE SPELLING BEE?! I got 10...

    well you shouldn't really expect that kinda thing from me! REMEMBER THE SPELLING BEE?! I got 10 right.
  10. screaming-yellow-madness

    are you commenting on my spelling?!

    are you commenting on my spelling?!
  11. screaming-yellow-madness

    hey! that was some expert writing! I guess lifes grood because I got my computer privaleges back!

    hey! that was some expert writing! I guess lifes grood because I got my computer privaleges back!
  12. screaming-yellow-madness

    whats up?!

    whats up?!
  13. screaming-yellow-madness

    Hi! I'm back! ^.^

    Hi! I'm back! ^.^
  14. screaming-yellow-madness

    Hi! i'm probably going to have to get offa the computer soon, because i'm supposed to be doing...

    Hi! i'm probably going to have to get offa the computer soon, because i'm supposed to be doing my homework!
  15. screaming-yellow-madness

    my mom is forcing me to go to bed soooo bye!

    my mom is forcing me to go to bed soooo bye!
  16. screaming-yellow-madness

    uhhh.. okay i'll go edit it!

    uhhh.. okay i'll go edit it!
  17. screaming-yellow-madness

    thanks for clearing that up!

    thanks for clearing that up!
  18. screaming-yellow-madness

    i know about the crazy thing, but what was that thing you said before that? born?!!

    i know about the crazy thing, but what was that thing you said before that? born?!!
  19. screaming-yellow-madness


  20. screaming-yellow-madness


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