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Search results

  1. o_O

    teehee :D i was obsessed with .gifs back then. now they just make me spazz out after looking at...

    teehee :D i was obsessed with .gifs back then. now they just make me spazz out after looking at them.
  2. o_O

    lol i can see the carrots. very interesting. never frequented debating hall that much, so :/...

    lol i can see the carrots. very interesting. never frequented debating hall that much, so :/ looking back at my old posts, i seemed so immature and annoying. so sorry for that (even though i still am) :P
  3. o_O

    randomly remembered pokemon with heartgold and soulsilver coming out, and i linked pokemon with...

    randomly remembered pokemon with heartgold and soulsilver coming out, and i linked pokemon with these forums. how's it been on here?
  4. o_O

    sometimes in '08 i think. i'm probably going to not come back for another year today. oh life.

    sometimes in '08 i think. i'm probably going to not come back for another year today. oh life.
  5. o_O


  6. o_O


  7. o_O


  8. o_O

    Blame school D:

    Blame school D:
  9. o_O

    Blame school.

    Blame school.
  10. o_O

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    ^ D: It's more sad than funny...
  11. o_O

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    OH NOSE LOTS OF PICTURES COMING UP Get it? Kevin Bacon?[/lame] Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reference. For those of you who DON'T know what the Second Amendment is, its the right to bear arms. (All pics above except for the Cyanide and Happiness were from BustedTees or Threadless.)
  12. o_O

    Cyanide and Happiness!

  13. o_O

    Pokémon Crystal Version: Played As a Collective

    Re: Pokémon Crystal Version: Played As a Collective This is awesome :D I would have named him George Bush >:D
  14. o_O

    Rate the Username Above

    7/10 Pokemon + Pokemon. :P
  15. o_O

    Rick Astley Rick Rolls Half the U.S.

    Damn epic. Rick Astley's performace equaled epic win. This is one time where I'm happy in a RickRoll :D
  16. o_O

    Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

    Kirby also awoke. He walked out into the cafe ((if we have one)) and sucked in a cup of coffee, complete with cup. "WHOA!" he said, suddenly feeling refreshed.
  17. o_O

    THINK: How many passes do the team in white make?

    Yay, I got it X3 This was a cool test.... Shows how people really don't pay attention to things right in front of them.
  18. o_O

    Open [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia: Quest for the Golden Shards

    Re: [Blockade Only] Legends of Arylettopia and Moon Land: Quest for the Golden Shards "Ummm... HRA?" the Ghostly Prince said. "Are you alright?"
  19. o_O

    Closed The Smash Dojo - A Brawl RP

    Virtual Kirby walked right up to the ledge, and spit Virtual Toon Link out, sending him off the ledge, but still with enough space to recover. Kirby giggled. "See ya later, Link!" He then pressed a few buttons, and Virtual Kirby initiated a taunt.
  20. o_O

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    @ Celestial Blade: Ummmm.. WTF? I lost on ECM's thing XD
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