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Search results

  1. M

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I saw this on the door of one of the rooms at college:
  2. M

    'sup? What's wrong with the periodic table?

    'sup? What's wrong with the periodic table?
  3. M

    anchor search box

    Put this under where it says "Go forth and spell better!": <form action="#" method="get" onsubmit="location.href='#'+document.getElementById('pokemonNumber').value; return false;"> <p>Type the Pokémon's number here: <input type="text" name="pokemonNumber" id="pokemonNumber" value="001" />...
  4. M

    I like intros. They're comfy and easy to wear.

    Thanks guys! I don't like tea... is that a problem? It's my own fault really. My team was around level 50 and I couldn't be arsed to train, so I just walked into the league with a load of revives and just about managed to luck my way through. Unfortunately I'm now in the final room and my...
  5. M

    I like intros. They're comfy and easy to wear.

    Hey guys. I'm Max Elixir. That's not my real name, I just chose it because I've never seen anyone name themselves after an item before. I mainly play the games, I can't wait for HeartGold and SoulSilver to come out coz I'm currently stuck on Cynthia in Platinum. In real life, I'm at uni doing...
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