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Search results

  1. Abufi

    Bands/groups you've seen live?

    i have seen um buckethead (opened by the most hardcore tuba player to ever live. i got to hand buckethead a piece of fanart i drew of him and he gave me a baby doll in exchange. feels good man) iron maiden (opened by dream theatre [who rocked an insane amount]. bruce dickinson was jumping...
  2. Abufi

    Favorite song(s) ever?

    uhhhhh ok here goes, currently (not in order since i can't decide what the order would be, except for possibly the first one listed but idk, and there are a lot because it's a bit difficult for me to decide) Buckethead - Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains Nottingham Lace - Buckethead...
  3. Abufi

    Guitar Hero Smash Hits

    this, this so much why do they have to say they won't put any bonus songs in but make an exception for shit like ttfaf and not jordan or fire it up or something :( i bet everyone on wifi will pick ttfaf all the time. that already happens for me with satch boogie on WT (although i actually...
  4. Abufi

    Adorable pictures/videos go here

    damn it xikaze i lost to the heart cat and ALMOST lost to the stoats also retsu's picture made me laugh. i think because of the cat's face and the fact that he decided to post it here anyway um, i highly doubt anyone will lose to this since i doubt anyone else here finds ike to be...
  5. Abufi

    Favourite Videogame Villain?

    pokey minch from earthbound because he's freaking hilarious. OOH LA LA, MY POOR PATHETIC FRIEND, WAS IT.... PIG'S BUTT?... NO, NESS! MOTHER 3 SPOILER:
  6. Abufi

    If you had to play a game forever, what would it be?

    guitar hero, as long as friends could come around and play it with me a lot. it gets a little boring after playing it for a long time just by yourself, but it's really fun when you invite 2 or more friends over. i dunno which GH game, because 2 has the best setlist in my opinion but world tour...
  7. Abufi

    Most Overrated/Underrated Games Ever

    overrated: brawl goddammit seriously man what is it with this game. it's fun and all but jesus christ i honestly don't get why it's all people ever want to play when there's a wii about. i personally got bored of it after about a month and now i only play it if a friend insists upon playing...
  8. Abufi

    Spore Chat

    yeah same, that's what i did for a trade route. the epic would just back away looking down at the vehicles whenever they passed by him and he'd be all like "O_O whoa!" it was hilarious
  9. Abufi

    What do you mean he's only that tall?!

    floatzel is tiny i thought it would be almost as tall as me and i'm like 5'4" >( but it's like 3'8" or something i think? and while the 'zels are too small imo, buizel weighs like 30 lbs., kinda heavy for something so small. buizel is like the size of my dog, who weighs about 15 lbs and is...
  10. Abufi

    Spore Chat

    hellooo i'd like to join i like the creators a lot in this game but after going through the same exact boring stuff 10 times over, i'm sick of the gameplay itself. the cell and civilization stages are awesome, everything else is dull and repetetive. just plain creature creating is fun though...
  11. Abufi

    Weird Phobias?

    unless you've ever been to a certain small country in central america called guatemala (they probably have them in other countries but guatemala's the only country i've been to where they use them as decorations a lot), you'll probably think "what the hell is this person talking about" but...
  12. Abufi

    Favorite Video Games

    i don't know if i already posted here or not but my all-time favorite video game is... guitar hero. let's just say the whole series because i can't decide which one i like the best. it's just the most fun game ever, in my opinion, particularly when you play it with other people. both co-op...
  13. Abufi

    Which video game song do you think is the best ever?

    EDIT: ARGH i misread the title of this thread as "best video game", instead of best video game SONG. please disregard this post
  14. Abufi

    Have your pets ever done something hilarious?

    hope it isn't against the rules to bump like this if my dog is around when my parents hug, then first he'll whine, then he'll bark, then he'll pretty much attack my dad. not actually try to hurt him, just bark at him and nip at his legs. it's hysterical
  15. Abufi

    What Pokemon do you like that other people hate?

    last time i checked, everyone loves absol o.o same for mightyena and rhyperior. i don't like absol or rhyperior much, and i could be wrong, but a lot of people seem to like them. ANYWAY for me it's nosepass and probopass. i suppose i can understand why people would dislike them, they look...
  16. Abufi

    Halloween! xD

    i'm going as giygas, the main villain of an old snes rpg known as EarthBound. if you've played the game and seen what he looks like, you're probably thinking "how the hell can you make a costume of him?" trust me, it's possible
  17. Abufi

    Blue, Blue, I be new.

    say is that an earthbound reference i see in the title? o.oooo anyway hello! welcome to tcod, fellow new user :3
  18. Abufi

    Nintendo DSi?

    camera + lack of gba support = major fail i don't know why but for some reason i absolutely cannot stand there being cameras on electronics that honestly don't really need them. i dunno why it annoys me so much, i guess it's a weird holden caulfield-ish pet peeve thing. aww though there'll be...
  19. Abufi

    totally :3 and how're you

    totally :3 and how're you
  20. Abufi

    HI BLU yes! i have a 12-pack now it's pretty epic

    HI BLU yes! i have a 12-pack now it's pretty epic
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