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Search results

  1. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    .....on her throne squishing the living daylights out of evil-mutant eclairs with a HUGE....
  2. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    ...that EeveeSkitty had died and was now stronger than ever. Meanwhile Team restoration was...
  3. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    .....all the moderators and some randomly selected new member as the leader of the group. The group's name was to be...
  4. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    ....YOU! She then buys a roll of tape killing millions in the process while...
  5. sergeantwaffleS

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Look at my ass, it says made in China.
  6. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    ....go on a shopping spree in...
  7. sergeantwaffleS

    Ummmm...what happened to your avvie?

    Ummmm...what happened to your avvie?
  8. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    ....Tcod was sent to a different dimension filled with...
  9. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    ....the forum members of Tcod once again unleashed the ALMIGHTY BUTTERFREE upon the mouse pads which caused an...
  10. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    ....a clan of slavic pregnant mouse pads got loose from the Introductions subforums and...
  11. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    ...that she really has let her avvie go. Meanwhile....
  12. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    ...the bodily fluids it collected from the numerous amount of raped moderators from other forums AND Myspace while....
  13. sergeantwaffleS

    Tales of Tcod

    ....raped numerous amounts of moderators from other forums AND Myspace while...
  14. sergeantwaffleS

    Open [Scrubs] My First RP {NOW STARTED}

    Name: Janitor (or Dr. Jan Itor) Occupation: This is REALLY obvious Personality: Warped & Twisted. Constantly hatin' on J.D. P.S. Am I too late?
  15. sergeantwaffleS

    Take and Add (Literacy)

  16. sergeantwaffleS

    more pie.

    more pie.
  17. sergeantwaffleS

    RAMEN!!! :D

    I like chicken. Oh, sorry that I didn't post until now too. P.S. Sorry about the insanity thing too.
  18. sergeantwaffleS

    RAMEN!!! :D

    I nearly eat it everyday for breakfast. So yes, I love it. But I think this thread should belong in insanity, not in The Laughing CupBoard. Also don't try to move it there, only the mods can do that.
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