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Search results

  1. Edoc'sil

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8/10 As far as video game music goes, it could have been better, I think. A little boring at times. Gerudo Valley-- Legend of Zelda
  2. Edoc'sil

    Level 30 Psychiatry (Webcomic)

    I decided to try it, and I read them all. It's now bookmarked before Professor Baobab and after XKCD.
  3. Edoc'sil


    That is what I had meant, I apologize for making it sound otherwise. The use of it is what I oppose.
  4. Edoc'sil

    Question about cultures

    Not would have been, but could have been. Making Ancient Hebrew, like ancient Greek or Egyptian, a scholarly language instead of one of the land.
  5. Edoc'sil

    The Son of the Pokemon Strategy Game

    Guaranteed burn, good. Magcargo used Rock Slide!
  6. Edoc'sil

    Answer A Question With A Question

    What about George H. W. Bush, does he like Kirby?
  7. Edoc'sil

    Question about cultures

    I hadn't been aware that it had been a dead language at one point, no. But I do think that it would have made it easier on those millions of people if instead they stuck to, say, any of the top five languages (Mandarin, English, Hindi, Spanish, Russian) so that they wouldn't have to learn those...
  8. Edoc'sil

    Gun Control

    First I'll provide maps;Florida right to carry laws,http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ak/crime/]Alaska right to carry laws, Connecticut very strict gun laws, New York very strict gun laws. They're all around the same crime rate. there's not really a discernible difference. Crime rate for England...
  9. Edoc'sil

    Have you read the ink series?

    A few years ago I read Inkheart and half of Inkspell (got really boring partway through). Then I picked it back up, finished it, and read Inkdeath. Worth it.
  10. Edoc'sil

    What are you reading? II

    Just read the Hobbit and the Hannibal Lecter books (also Divergent), currently reading Omerta, just bought World War Z, going to buy Insurgent and How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You later this week.
  11. Edoc'sil

    You're Banned

    You're banned for having a username that rhymes.
  12. Edoc'sil

    The Son of the Pokemon Strategy Game

    Perfect! Magnezone w/ Sturdy used Earthquake! Remember, Sturdy prevents OHKOs. So, it wouldn't faint from, say, Force Palm.
  13. Edoc'sil


    With the cannabis itself, no. As a plant or even in the ready to be smoked form the plant itself harms no one. It's the smoking (and, in tobacco's case, also chewing) of it wherein the problems lie.
  14. Edoc'sil


    There was a study done that I found out about in one of the science magazines I like to read. It may have been Scientific American Mind or Psychology Today, I forget. But anyway, it shows swear/curse/cuss words almost cease to be words to our brains. The study involved putting subjects in an...
  15. Edoc'sil

    Gun Control

    Other arguments include "If you outlaw guns, then outlaws will have guns." And "These guys want every wacko and his cousin to have guns. It's just not smart." "It doesn't matter if every wacko and his cousin have guns. Because then you and your cousin will also have guns to defend yourself...
  16. Edoc'sil


    I do not, nor do I think I ever will, use cannabis. I believe its effects on the body far outweigh any benefits it may have (e.g. to the economy). I do not think it should be legal, same as tobacco. Cancers caused by tobacco and cannabis every year kill millions, and for no real benefit. Sure...
  17. Edoc'sil

    Question about cultures

    I don't see a point to salvaging dead languages. There's no one to speak them, and so there's no need to learn them again. Exception: stuff like ancient Egyptian or Mayan or something in order to read their written language and find out about their history. I think that it would be a lot easier...
  18. Edoc'sil

    Capital punishment

    I do not support capital punishment (the death sentence, or torture if that's included). Is every life precious? Is every life equally precious, for that matter Hell no! There are people, hugely successful mass murderers/serial killers, that are completely sane and still don't care, they enjoy...
  19. Edoc'sil

    Rate the Signature above you!

    7/10 Time/Darkness or Sky, I think. Are you Nuzlockeing your LeafGreen game?
  20. Edoc'sil

    Rate the avatar above you

    9.5/10 Agatha is my third favorite Elite Four/Champion trainer, beaten only by Steven for first place and Lance for second.
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