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Search results

  1. Edoc'sil

    The Legend of Zelda Club

    One hundred percent serious. It was absolutely amazing. The soundtrack is somewhere on youtube, one second... Here it is. The first one is from Vancouver, not New York, but still.
  2. Edoc'sil

    What Pokemon are good pets?

    If I could only choose one, then probably Swellow. Otherwise, I'd add Lapras, Arcanine, and maybe Blaziken. The first for both companionship and transportation, Lapras for mainly transportation, and the last two for companionship.
  3. Edoc'sil

    The Legend of Zelda Club

    I'll definitely buy Majora's Mask when they remake it. Until then, though, I'm going to attempt my Ocarina of Time 3D Master Quest. Also I'm going to try to beat Skyward Sword (I just beat the Silent Realm after Koloktos) and I need to at least begin my Twilight Princess. On a somewhat unrelated...
  4. Edoc'sil

    Them Feels

    I've been saving a few of these just in case I found a feels thread somewhere. One, two, three, and four.
  5. Edoc'sil

    The Son of the Pokemon Strategy Game

    I originally found this game on another forum here, and it was very fun when I played it, so here are the rules: I'll start. Yanmega w/ Tinted Lens @ Yache Berry used Silver Wind! Remember when posting, the items and pictures are completely optional. You don't have to use them if you...
  6. Edoc'sil

    Rate the Signature above you!

    9.5/10 Between the Obamasnow, Zoidberg, and poetry, it's nearly impossible for it to get any better. Or it might be song lyrics, not poetry, one of the two, I dunno.
  7. Edoc'sil

    Rate the avatar above you

    8/10 I know some people who use their RP characters as avatars. Would this be one of those times?
  8. Edoc'sil

    Favorite Pokemon Team?

    There's always my origional team from Sapphire when I knew jack squat about Pokemon-- Blaziken, Raichu, Flygon, Crawdaunt, Crobat, and Exploud. Although now I usually use a combination of about nine Pokemon-- Milotic, Scizor, Magmortar, Electivire, Hypno, Gengar, Darkrai, Haxorus, and Volcarona...
  9. Edoc'sil


    I've lurked this site for almost three long, glorious years and loved every page of it. I finally decided to stop lurking and make an account on the forums. I get the feeling I won't regret it, and I'm looking forward to an extended stay.
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