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Search results

  1. Aristicus

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    Your name. It has my favorite Pokemon. You can't get better than an Absol
  2. Aristicus

    Rate the avatar above you

    It's a freaking Lapras. You can't find any Water Type cooler than one (no pun intended). 9/10
  3. Aristicus

    The Three Word Story Game

    So basically, what we're going to do is write a story together. However, you may only use three words. You must copy what the user above you said, then add three words to the story. I'll start: So, one day,
  4. Aristicus

    http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/trainercard/ This button is my friend? I thought it was...

    http://www.pokestadium.com/pokemon/trainercard/ This button is my friend? I thought it was glaring at me.... In all seriousness, I just copy and pasted the img code into my sig. If you're having trouble or something, make sure you're clicking the IMG Code thing. Not copy and pasting the url...
  5. Aristicus

    No no not the game! I'll get a link real quick..

    No no not the game! I'll get a link real quick..
  6. Aristicus

    I got it...um...I can't remember...I think it was Pokemon Stadium. I saved it and uploaded it to...

    I got it...um...I can't remember...I think it was Pokemon Stadium. I saved it and uploaded it to photobucket and copied the IMG code.
  7. Aristicus

    Alright. I is posting in to here. Sorry about posting in my own profile. I'm a noob here lol.

    Alright. I is posting in to here. Sorry about posting in my own profile. I'm a noob here lol.
  8. Aristicus


  9. Aristicus

    Say something nice about the user above you.

    I looked around, and I didn't see one of these. Everyone likes hearing people say nice things about them. So, just say something nice about the person above you, then the next person says something nice about you. etc. It's a never ending cycle.
  10. Aristicus


    I have been told to introduce myself. So here it goes. My name is Aris, and I am an avid gamer. I read a lot, even getting in trouble at school for reading too much. I truly HATE homophobia, as well as people who dislike furries. It's not your sexuality, so if you don't like it, don't bring it...
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