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Search results

  1. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    um this is defamation. libel. a clear attempt to smear my reputation. I would never have reads.
  2. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Apparently Eifie has volume cleared us and has totally legit reads from legitimately playing this game. 🤔 I'll be around later today.
  3. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

  4. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    smh Eifie go to sleep
  5. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Allowing Eifie to play this game might have been a mistake.
  6. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Conveniently, Eifie and I are the same person, so no pretending required. 😁
  7. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    I swear I'm done yeet keldeo etc etc. Ooh, death...
  8. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    how did you know this tbh
  9. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    good thing I'm not actually posting this game so I won't have a chance to accidentally post in the thread on my main that would, of course, be devastating and game-breaking
  10. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

  11. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    zzz k see ya nerds d5
  12. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    people on MU call us bbt
  13. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    how's my Eifie impression btw
  14. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    I wonder which of us will get it first
  15. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    omg I literally read it as "Von" the first time and was like ???
  16. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    hardclaim VT btw
  17. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    also @ whoever said "mafia but everyone just gives each other fruit" I already ran that game smfh
  18. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    wait fuck i meant wolves yeet Keldeo today guys
  19. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    inside of me are two villagers one is Keldeo the other is also Keldeo
  20. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    fuck I wasn't going to post again until d3
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