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Search results

  1. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    (My track record townreading her based on her d1 progression on Blu is 100%! (sample size 1!))
  2. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    she clarified. fwiw I think I could see this particularly because it being TMI would feed into the mindset discrepancy thing, but also I am like, extremely% opposed to yeeting MP today. I'll be back in a couple hours probably.
  3. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    She also says this was not a reason for yeeting Mawile smh And she said mewt did the thing (not in this post, somewhere else) but I have no clue what that means
  4. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    I have read nothing since I went to sleep and probably won't be back for a couple hours but here are Eifie thoughts (which are not random crap Eifie no bad labels!!): She strongly opposes "this would happen in scum chat instead of itt" reads on principle, which I think refers to tbh's read on...
  5. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Eifie, bro, you actually have the password to the account this time.
  6. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    ^ can we frame this as one of tcodf's top most adorable posts? I have thoughts but I also have no interest in backing them up whatsoever so I'll get Keldeo to tell you them later, or not if he doesn't feel like posting my random crap from hydra chat itt it is much easier to get into spectator...
  7. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Think I'm at Grin emoji: (vaguely ordered, insert arbitrary gaps) M Plus 7, tbh, kokorico, Redstrykephoenix, Trebek, (maybe Mawile idr TVT that well) Confused noises: Bluwiikoon Hum: IndigoEmmy, Mist1422, JackPK, Von Fu I feel like... vaguely contented with this many townreads but also vaguely...
  8. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Aww, take as long as you need and please take care of yourself!
  9. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    @JackPK could you talk to me a bit about why you see MP as more likely "mafia maliciously pushing town Blu" than "town with different values that cause her to be pushing Blu"?
  10. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Went from wired to extremely tired but I'm mostly caught up. I can vibe with RSP and kokorico tbh. Mawile content posting also feels okay. I am... pretty sure I believe that tbh2 are talking in their chat as much as they say they are, and also that that makes them town? I feel like fine about...
  11. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Actually I'm gonna take a bit of a breather for now, but I'm super wired so I'm prooobably gonna be able to finish catchup tonight! Liked koko going into detail about the fruit vendor thing, seems good.
  12. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Trebek, if you had to place a vote rn where would you put it / who‘re your suspicions? Feel free to point me to a reads post if I just haven’t gotten there yet
  13. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Mawile has (me) got any thoughts to add about recent events :O
  14. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    ... WikiHow to laugh react to your own post
  15. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    WikiHow to sad react to your own post
  16. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Oh also also Apology Reads: MP7 doesn't apologize to me if she's mafia and doesn't actually want me to understand...?!
  17. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Oh also I think his back and forth with Mawile on page 15 felt kind of awkward and possibly partnery, but I don't know if their disparate approaches to Blu make that much sense as partners regardless of Blu's alignment?
  18. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    It's like there was a negative space that got filled so now it's just normal space, if that makes any sense.
  19. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    This is the far superior joke to make given the setup. I concede
  20. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Yeah, I'd agree that Trebek's early memeing / not latching onto RSP felt subtly off / orthogonal to the thread, but liking his content posting outweighs that for me. Actually, Wim (not to be confused with popular text editor vim) is an abbreviation of Willem, the Dutch form of the given name...
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