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  1. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    I was worried earlier but think MP7's progression about Blu leading up to her vote and longpost make her... [adverb] likely to be town. I'm just like... his tone is, yeah, although I don't know if I was just coming into this just expecting his tone to be really good because it had been in...
  2. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    When you thought Eifie's joke was serious, why did that make you panic?
  3. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Just that he would bounce around topics in memes. I have a hard time remembering things about people's playstyles but that was an impression that stuck out to me. I'm mulling over your longer post, thank you for taking more time to explain it.
  4. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Because I feel like I can see that, but also I remember his posts in Cats/Snom being similar in that aspect so maybe never mind that. But I still want to see the difference you say you're seeing.
  5. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    (probably no one except MP will understand this post, sorry) If you remember what I'm talking about, is this like... the fake read that I made on Zack's earlygame memes in the 9er, that the topics were like angular / disconnected / wall-throwy?
  6. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    No it's totally okay, take your time. Communication is a two way street. ...? Blu, can you talk to me about what was going through your head when you posted this?
  7. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    I kind of feel like when all the VTs in Snom Mafia were talking about the secret password club thing and I read the posts in question like three times and couldn't figure out at all what was being danced around
  8. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    ? I'm confused. Can you tell me about your background processing here?
  9. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Yeah, I was looking for specific posts. It's okay if it's like a body of work thing.
  10. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Thanks, MP. Could you point out some examples of what you mean by melodramatic, either now or later? I'm not entirely sure I understand. Also, what made you want to ask this? I'd just talked about my/Eifie's read on those posts.
  11. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    What do you mean by over the top here? Particularly knowing that we and VF are not in fact w/w it feels somewhat hard to fake to me, too.
  12. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    I'm interested in your take on his early post about hydras and his #63/65/67 when you get there.
  13. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    you got me
  14. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    @ tbh2 and Blu, same question to you :O I feel like I haven't gotten the chance to bust out the "just a bit too exposing" not w/w read in a while. (for context the movie screening time was public, it's RNP being the one to point it out.) Blu, I really appreciate your self-care reminder posts...
  15. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    I wish! Are you?
  16. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Hm. Is there someone or something you're currently unsure on and would definitely like to hear me or MP's thoughts on as we catch up? Do you have any question you'd like to ask someone else in the game (i.e. someone who has caught up) about their posts?
  17. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Mmm yeah I, Keldeo, still endorse this read. Blu reacted really fast in 63-67, it reads like he doesn't know we're town.
  18. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Not right now - I've read only a little so I decided to catch up from the start myself! Really excited to be playing with you again.
  19. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    omg hi MP! 😁 bbt's Huskeldeo = me (Keldeo) and Eifie tbh^2 = mewtini and rari_teh Von Fu = VM and Tofu Redstrykephoennix = RNP and Stryke
  20. bbt's Huskeldeo

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons Mafia

    Oops lol, this is Keldeo
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