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Search results

  1. Flarginsnarf

    Solar Desert

    I'll purchase a couple of you "sandy balls", and a pair of googles too! I would like to go to the 5th floor of your tower with my dear Bisasam. He knows Flash you know.
  2. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    wolfroland Okay, your last Pokemon for now? Here goes... 1 male Zubat! Congrats! You Receipt: (M) Poliwag, (F) Sandslash, (F) Drowzee, (F) Zubat, (F) Geodude, (F) Diglett, (F) Sandshrew, (M) Aerodactyl, (F) Aerodactyl, (M) Zubat Have a nice day! :D
  3. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    wolfroland Let's see... You found another Aerodactyl! But this time it's female. What would you like to do? Your Tab: (M) Poliwag, (F) Sandslash, (F) Drowzee, (F) Zubat, (F) Geodude, (F) Diglett, (F) Sandshrew, (M) Aerodactyl Ruffledfeathers Ah, you get a female Venonat! Grats! What will you...
  4. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Ruffledfeathers Oh good, wait for a sec. as I try to get you a Pokemon here... You run across a male Venonat! What would you like to do? Keep it? Keep going? Both?! Your Tab: (F) Ekans
  5. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    wolfroland Fine! Don't take my Drowzee! Let's see, what's up next? Why it's a male Aerodactyl! Wow, that's pretty cool. What shall you do? You Tab: (M) Poliwag, (F) Sandslash, (F) Drowzee, (F) Zubat, (F) Geodude, (F) Diglett, (F) Sandshrew
  6. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Eonrider Ah, nice to see you again. Let's see what you get his time around... Ooh! You find a female Diglett! Would you like to take it and keep going? Your Tab: (M) Parasect
  7. Flarginsnarf

    The Bank

    -4 from Ruffledfeathers +4 to moi!
  8. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Ruffledfeathers Okay, one Pokemon coming up! You searches bring you upon... A female Ekans! Keep it? Continue?
  9. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    wolfroland Searching around, you stumble upon... A female Drowzee! Is this good? Y/N Your Tab: (M) Poliwag, (F) Sandsalsh, (F) Drowzee, (F) Zubat, (F) Geodude, (F) Diglett, (F) Sandshrew
  10. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    wolfroland I'm assuming you want to go again, so: You find... A female Sandshrew! What do? Your Tab: (M) Poliwag, (F) Sandsalsh, (F) Drowzee, (F) Zubat, (F) Geodude, (F) Diglett
  11. Flarginsnarf

    The Bank

    -4 again from Pikachu. Another $4 for me.
  12. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Cool! Let's see... Pikachu Oh shi- Critical fail! Sorry man! The Cave starts collapsing all around and you must flee abandoning your newly found Doduo. Well that sucks... Pay $4 more dollars to go again, or take a break?
  13. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Hey, thanks! :D Pikachu You search about for Pokemon and you find a female Doduo! Want to keep it? Would you like to go again?
  14. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Pikachu Mmmkay, let's see here... You find a male Sandshrew! Congrats! You're done? Well, have a nice day good sir. Total: (F) Bellsprout, (M) Abra, (M) Cubone, (M) Sandshrew. Hope to see you come again sometime! :D wolfroland Ah, you're back! You get... another female Diglett! Leave it or...
  15. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Yes, you can get lots of Pokemon... But remember you'll lose them all if the cave collapses and also: that you can "reset" you session by paying 4 more dollars and starting over. Anyways... Pikachu Hm? It's appears to be a male Cubone! What will you do? Your Tab: (F) Bellsprout, (M) Abra.
  16. Flarginsnarf

    The Bank

    -4 from Pikachu +4 to meh.
  17. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Pikachu Finally! Another boy! It just so happens to be a male Abra. Keep on truckin'? Your Tab: (F) Bellsprout, (M) Abra.
  18. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Pikachu Okay, let's see... Congratulations you found a female Bellsprout! Keep going? Your tab: (F) Bellsprout wolfroland And for you? a female Diglett! You may continue. Your tab: (M) Poliwag, (F) Sandsalsh, (F) Drowzee, (F) Zubat, (F) Geodude (just decided to start doing tabs.)
  19. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    Minnow You find: 1 Male Krabby, continue searching?
  20. Flarginsnarf

    Early Cerulean Cave

    wolfroland You come across a female Geodude (more like geodudette) Keep goin'?
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