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Search results

  1. Flarginsnarf

    The Pewter City Museum

    Grats on 300th post! Can I have another round? In the Archaeology room? EDIT: +Flashlight!!!
  2. Flarginsnarf


  3. Flarginsnarf

    I can Blackmail the both of yous!!!

    I can Blackmail the both of yous!!!
  4. Flarginsnarf


  5. Flarginsnarf

    The CoD Monotype Challenge

    Well, I decided my Ruby Water Monotype I was trying to do equaled fail. I'm doing a Ruby Flying Monotype one now. :Flarginsnarf's Flying Circus: (Geddit?!) _______________________________________________________ Name: Aeris Money: ¥2079 Play Time: 3:31 Beautifly°° Myyr (Beautifly) Lv14 ♀ Gust...
  6. Flarginsnarf

    Evolution Station

    Could I get my Fantominus evolved please?
  7. Flarginsnarf

    The Ice Caves

    I'm keeping the Snover. Once again please!
  8. Flarginsnarf

    The Ice Caves

    Let's go again! Let's go again! (Please?)
  9. Flarginsnarf

    Evolution Station

    Oh, okay cool. :D
  10. Flarginsnarf

    Evolution Station

    Is my Omanyte male or female?
  11. Flarginsnarf


    I'll take a stab at this! 78!
  12. Flarginsnarf

    Evolution Station

    Could I revive my Helix Fossil please?
  13. Flarginsnarf

    The Ice Caves

    Yay! Can I go again?
  14. Flarginsnarf

    Steam Canyon

    Oh yes! Catch please!
  15. Flarginsnarf

    The Ice Caves

    I'd like some cave exploring please!
  16. Flarginsnarf

    The Pewter City Museum

    Nah brah, done fo' now. *Collects items/pokemon and leaves*
  17. Flarginsnarf

    The Pewter City Museum

    Yes MOAR!
  18. Flarginsnarf

    The Pewter City Museum

    Oh sure. I suppose I'll try to get my munny's worth.
  19. Flarginsnarf

    The Pewter City Museum

    I take my Gastly man and continue. I'm searchin' me some Relicanth!
  20. Flarginsnarf

    The Pewter City Museum

    pay guard move along!
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