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Search results

  1. Almost Eric

    Thanks for the birthday wish. :)

    Thanks for the birthday wish. :)
  2. Almost Eric

    The LGBT Club

    I went to one! :D In Edinburgh fufufu. I can't remember the name, CC Blooms or something. It was pretty awesome but obviously it was an "under age" thing where they let us all in for a Halloween party for a couple of hours before chucking us out derp. :B But we left early because my friend and I...
  3. Almost Eric

    The LGBT Club

    Yeah on surgery, I do not know if I would go through with genitalia surgery (Though a dick would be awesome, I'm not sure I could mentally cope with surgery down there.) but I would definitely like to have my breasts removed and all the annoying inside stuff. Buuut apparently, according to a...
  4. Almost Eric


    THE SCOTS ARE NOT LYING THEY REALLY DO HAVE HALLOWEEN. I was in Edinburgh for it. I went as a Gynecologist... :1 But this year I don't have any plans because no one really does anything for it and ever since I was little my mum never let me go out for it. She'd only let us.. knock at our own...
  5. Almost Eric

    Haha, thank you. I've changed it though because I get vaguely embarrassed having a APH avatar...

    Haha, thank you. I've changed it though because I get vaguely embarrassed having a APH avatar. Your avatar is absolutely adorable btw. :')
  6. Almost Eric

    The LGBT Club

    Yeah. I have to rely on my mother for money a lot which is why I can't buy the clothes I need.. If I misunderstood uh, feel free to correct me. Yay appearing androgynous! I really want to order a binder but I'm not sure how much they cost and dfkugdsh yeah have to go through my mother to get...
  7. Almost Eric

    The LGBT Club

    ON CROSS DRESSING. What Verne said lol. To me it isn't cross dressing but to everyone else it is.. so you could say that I do it all the time from that perspective. Except I've yet to purchase a binder so I'm not very convincing unless I'm wearing a massive coat... plus people who know me rat...
  8. Almost Eric

    What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?

    Just... this. Thanks for wording it for me goldenquagsire, I would have failed at trying to convey this myself. "orz
  9. Almost Eric

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    I got a ROM of HeartGold, which crashes for me sometimes but works fine otherwise. Really loving the game so far. ;v; I love having my Sentret following me. Now. To stumble my way blindly through the rest of the game.. =A=;
  10. Almost Eric


    *late to the party* Sort me please.. ;n;
  11. Almost Eric

    World Conference (APH Fan Club)

    When I was new to the whole thing..I watched one episode of the anime first and was like "what the hell is going on" and decided to read the comics first instead... yeah. I thought it was hard to follow. Maybe because the anime is so fast? I mean, 5 minutes.. it all goes by so quickly that you...
  12. Almost Eric

    The LGBT Club

    Ahh that's amazing news. ;u; And um. Hello, I'd like to join. *been trying to gather up the courage to ask to join for a couple of days now*
  13. Almost Eric

    World Conference (APH Fan Club)

    *puts hand up embarassedly* Yeah. Fan here. |D This is what made me read the strips, and then go on to watch the anime. Honestly though, I was slightly disappointed the actual thing wasn't more serious like the fanvideo makes it out to be, but hey, I love it anyway. My favourite character...
  14. Almost Eric

    Your Comfort Song

    This version of 'When You Believe' and 'A Little More Mascara' from La Cage Aux Folles musical. ;v;
  15. Almost Eric

    Nosy Birthday Question

    Monday.. What does it even mean by "fair of face"? :I
  16. Almost Eric

    Ever meet someone famous?

    I met Danny John-Jules at the MCM Expo in May 2008. :D ... However, this was before I became a fan of his. I started watching things with him in them.. shortly after meeting him.. orz
  17. Almost Eric

    You are [x belief system]. Your significant other is [y belief system].

    No way. If religion is that important to them then they should go out and find another SO because it really won't work with me if you shove it down my throat/try to get me to convert. I'm happy not caring about having religion or a God in my life, leave me alone argh. ETA: I would be...
  18. Almost Eric

    Comic Relief

    I'm watching it right nowww~ And donated £3.98 since that's all I have. :B
  19. Almost Eric

    Limewire help

    Uh.. If you downloaded music from Limewire, it should be in your My Music folder, which you can just drag and drop the files into iTunes from that. Then sync your iPod. Well, that is what worked for me. I hope I explained it properly.. o.o; Also, I suggest you use Frostwire.. :< Limewire...
  20. Almost Eric

    Where do babies come from?

    My mum says that the devil sends them.
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