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Search results

  1. Almost Eric

    What's cracka lackin' tCoD? :1

    I have no clue, haha! I can see that from your avatar, my dear Xikaze. ;3
  2. Almost Eric


    I'm sorely tempted to take my BFF to see the movie this Christmas. Just to see what some of this fucking hype is about. I'd read the books too just to know my facts incase I meet any dumb fans (plus train-wreck syndrome ;D) but ... Jesus Christ, no way am I spending money on them or getting...
  3. Almost Eric

    Japanese guy releases worms on a train.

    lmao Japan what will your people think of next? :1
  4. Almost Eric

    Ever wished Pokemon was real?

    I used to get photos up of him in Paint and draw yellow rings and stripes on him. Ahaha.
  5. Almost Eric

    Ever wished Pokemon was real?

    Of course! I used to pretend my pet cat was an Umbreon. Oh sweet innocence, where have you gone?
  6. Almost Eric

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet? A Purugly. Nyah. <3
  7. Almost Eric

    What do you want for Christmas/other holidays?

    Oh yeah bb *highfiiives*
  8. Almost Eric

    CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

    For the first time in four years ... nobody. It's freakin' weird, let me tell you.
  9. Almost Eric

    What's cracka lackin' tCoD? :1

    The header told me to post here. What am I supposed to say here? "Hey, my name is Almost Eric but just call Eric, I'm 15, English and I have no gender?" ... yeah, lets go with that. :x *siiigh* Anything else you might want to know about me.. hm. Well I'm a giant South Park-tard (since 2005...
  10. Almost Eric

    What do you want for Christmas/other holidays?

    That I don't know I'm already getting? D: Hm. Well. There are loads of things I want but it doesn't mean I'll ever get them. If I were to list everything I want, I could go on forever. But for Christmas I shall be satisfied with a couple of DVDs and my best friend coming to stay with me for...
  11. Almost Eric

    What would you do if you were terminally ill?

    Depends. If I could still move I'd at least like to visit all my close friends. But that'd involve traveling over England, to Scotland, Oregon and then Chile. >> If at all possible that's what I'd want to do. ;-; But if I couldn't do that I'd rather someone pop a bullet in my head and get my...
  12. Almost Eric

    Where are you from?

    Essex, England. More specifically, Harlow. It blows here. :1
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