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Search results

  1. Togetic

    Really? I've never actually seen it crash.

    Really? I've never actually seen it crash.
  2. Togetic

    So did I. Its an awesome site.

    So did I. Its an awesome site.
  3. Togetic

    I wanna be...the very best.

    I wanna be...the very best.
  4. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    Huh, that went decently well. Now we can lag this game out a little more! Okay, just spam that setup. Confuse Ray, Toxic then Heal Block. If Dysalia Safeguards, then switch to Payback, Payback and Payback, always waiting for her to move first of course. However, if on the second and third...
  5. Togetic

    That is a win avatar.

    That is a win avatar.
  6. Togetic

    Loneliness break...GO!

    Loneliness break...GO!
  7. Togetic

    I was planning on Lake of Rage, but hey, thats not a bad idea. I'll write it up the moment I...

    I was planning on Lake of Rage, but hey, thats not a bad idea. I'll write it up the moment I have time. Oh, I bought your Birthday present already.
  8. Togetic

    At last, an antidepressant that works.

    http://www.givesmehope.com/ Screw medication, I have this stuff. Yeah, it now my official depression and other stressful stuff cure. I recommend you check it out, its rather touching, for those of you people that post in the Coughing Cupboard.. But yeah, that's about it. Enjoy the hope.
  9. Togetic

    Bank of TCoD

    Yay stuff get. $15 - $5 = $10
  10. Togetic

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office I'll take a Bronzor, cause I can. [They see me wallin', They hatin'] Bronzor (X) Ability: Levitate Move Mod: None Body Mod: None Monies est here
  11. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    Round 6 The referee surveyed the now worn and torn battlefield, which was currently holding two worn and torn battlers. Despite having only progressed a few rounds, one side already had an easily notable advantage. Holder of such advantage and unnamed Diglett, belonging to a trainer by the name...
  12. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    Huh, alright Stamford, we have a little free time to get some set-up going on. Let's start with an Earthquake, just to get it onto your 'used' list, then use Imprison to stop her from ever using that ever again. If both of these work, just go for Payback for a little damage. If you ever get...
  13. Togetic

    I THINK I'm free to challenge. My names still barred from challenging, but I only have two...

    I THINK I'm free to challenge. My names still barred from challenging, but I only have two battles being reffed and one waiting for a ref. I'm currently reffing one battle, so I should be allowed to. I'll try post a challenge, and see how it goes. Expect it in a few days. =D
  14. Togetic


    This was the song that my primary/elementary school used when they first taught us how to square dance. I rather like it.
  15. Togetic

    thunder vs. Patar

    Round 5 With the referee returned and bloodlust burning hotter than before, and Kira’s attraction broken, both participants were eager to return to the battle. The trainers faced off, and one, known as Patar, had just given commands, so his Shinx could return to her business, namely, destroying...
  16. Togetic

    Sometimes if it makes sense, its gotta happen. Its why you don't spam Close Combat or something...

    Sometimes if it makes sense, its gotta happen. Its why you don't spam Close Combat or something like you would in the video games. The whole point of ASB is to think outside the box.
  17. Togetic

    TOGETIC FOR PRESIDENT. No, not me. The pokemon. We'd be forced to be happy. And there'd be...

    TOGETIC FOR PRESIDENT. No, not me. The pokemon. We'd be forced to be happy. And there'd be laws against being sad. And terrorism would probably be solved through negotiation.
  18. Togetic

    DarthWaffles vs Darksong

    Huh, a Girafarig. Alright, lets get some set-up before we go down. Put down some Stealth Rocks for a start, they might be useful. Then go for a Hypnosis, and if it hits, use the time to lag this game out and Chill. Yes I know she has Early Bird, but that extra energy will be helpful. If the...
  19. Togetic

    Fun Fact: 70% =/= 100% I try not to give one side an edge, but sometimes, it wouldn't make much...

    Fun Fact: 70% =/= 100% I try not to give one side an edge, but sometimes, it wouldn't make much sense unless one side gets some advantage. Cause some really underrated moves in the games could have really powerful effects if put to use outside to box. And I already told Kam about that Shellos...
  20. Togetic

    Male Lopunny. That's just scary. I'm aware I have the advantage, thats fairly obvious. But she...

    Male Lopunny. That's just scary. I'm aware I have the advantage, thats fairly obvious. But she sent out Girafarig, so its all cool. Hey, just cause there are side effects doesn't mean they happen all the time =P And I end up using my own judgement way to much whenever I ref.
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