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Search results

  1. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    Yeah! Okay, here's my riddle. I'll run away or maybe pick up, I drink my tea out of an acorn cup, My coloring has nothing to do with my type. My last resort is more than hype. I might even make you dance, Because I've got an Aunt Florence living in France.
  2. EchoedSeel

    Cool! Can I see it?

    Cool! Can I see it?
  3. EchoedSeel

    Rate the Username Above

    7/10. Sounds like a cow AND it rolls off my tongue. It's like double the awesomeness!
  4. EchoedSeel

    Check on the riddle thread and see if my guess was right. I'm kinda anxious...and I think I need...

    Check on the riddle thread and see if my guess was right. I'm kinda anxious...and I think I need more cluez.
  5. EchoedSeel


    Yeah, I've seen it. It's pretty cool. Another good one to see if you get the chance is Lord of the Dance. It tells a Celtic myth. It's basically an opera without singing. I got to see it back when I was little. It was great. :3
  6. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    Blastoise, is it Cacturne?
  7. EchoedSeel

    Okay, just read the fic and sprite the fakemon and gym leaders/E4 when they come into play. Thanks!

    Okay, just read the fic and sprite the fakemon and gym leaders/E4 when they come into play. Thanks!
  8. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    Kam, is it Alakazam? (Yay rhymes!) Blastoise, is it Steelix?
  9. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    the Uno, Dos, Tres one...is it Ho-oh? Uno Dos Tres-Three Roaming Legendaries Avoid Being Seen-Near Impossible to get Statue-It's a legendary, isn't it? I'm sure there's a statue of it somewhere. Genes-Eugene
  10. EchoedSeel

    Official Spriter for my fanfic needed! Credit will, of course be given. If interested, PM me!

    Official Spriter for my fanfic needed! Credit will, of course be given. If interested, PM me!
  11. EchoedSeel


  12. EchoedSeel

    World Domination

    Sell it as abstract/modern/cubism/etc. at an art show, than use the money to bribe world leaders into doing what you want (Behind the Scenes leadership Mwahaha >:3) a random piece of paper
  13. EchoedSeel

    If you mean the Forum Games thread, then yes.

    If you mean the Forum Games thread, then yes.
  14. EchoedSeel

    World Domination

    Make everyone in the world its slaves through the powers of hypnosis! A paper clip
  15. EchoedSeel

    Pick something up, die, and drop something

    *picks it up* *dies because it was a trap set to explode on contact* *drops stuffed Lucario from Disney*
  16. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    Like I said, it was just a random guess: AND 1. Avoid being seen (outside of a Nintendo event, it's impossible to encounter Mew..) 2. In its genes (Mew was the ancestor of all Pokemon {or something like that...}) 3. Statue (Can't remember which game, but it had statues of Mew in it...maybe not...
  17. EchoedSeel

    Neverending recipe.

    40. Then, rob the nearest Wal-Mart and take everything that's 7.99. EVERYTHING. Then give it back to the police if they ask. Oh, and stir the stuff that just came out of the blender. Once. Counterclockwise.
  18. EchoedSeel

    or...read it here on TCOD!

    or...read it here on TCOD!
  19. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Hi everyone. This is my fic. The beginning may not be very good, but I'm trying to improve it. I would appreciate constructive criticism/feedback, especially from experienced writers. Enjoy. EDIT-Chapters will now be posted on the first page, but there will still be post-updates. CHAPTER LIST...
  20. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Chapter 1: A New Dawn “…And now for our next entrant, from Piano Town, it’s Chloe Lyron!” The announcement was responded to by thunderous applause as the spotlight shone on a chestnut haired girl wearing a shimmering, sequined blue dress. Raising a Poke Ball high in the air, she...
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