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Search results

  1. Buizelfan61393

    The LGBT Club

    How did i not see this club *definite joins* this summer, i came to the conclusion that i was bi, but when school started, i then thought that something still felt wrong, and being completely gay felt much better. Note: That was just the short version, don't think i'm just fickle like that XD
  2. Buizelfan61393

    Hi there...I can't exactly say I'm a friend of hers...we just kind of know each other (in other...

    Hi there...I can't exactly say I'm a friend of hers...we just kind of know each other (in other words, we're friends on and off...)
  3. Buizelfan61393

    Hi there...

    Looking around...there's just so much to do here...i dunno where to start @_@ I've posted in clubs...but I feel like I want to go to more places...
  4. Buizelfan61393

    Hi there...

    Hi, I'm Buizelfan61393. I actually joined a few days ago, but I forgot to post things.... Anyway, I was introduced to these forums by Gardevoir Girl, for the Pokephilia Club, since I am a Pokephile, and this one seems even better than serebiiforums. Eh...I don't know much else to say...just hi.
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