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Search results

  1. Ryan the Terrible

    Tell Me Something That's...

    Re: Tell Me Something That's [Adjective]... Earth. Tell me something adventurous.
  2. Ryan the Terrible

    Your 100th post.

    I still hate these words. x_x
  3. Ryan the Terrible

    Would you ban religion if you had the power to?

    Banning religion would be ridiculously counterproductive to any kind of progress. It's restricting (or rather, trying to restrict) what people can think. To be quite frank I don't see how someone could think it's a good idea. o.o
  4. Ryan the Terrible


    This, very much this. (Well, fruit anyway.) I can cook ramen noodles. Everything else...to the microwave! But usually I just eat fruit or cereal (which, by the way, is perfect for ALL times of day).
  5. Ryan the Terrible

    Anticipated Video Games

    Various 3DS games, which I am both anticipating and dreading because they will make me spend money, including for the 3DS itself, and I need to stop spending so much money. But off the top of my head: Ocarina of Time 3DS Paper Mario 3DS 3DS Mario platformer Kid Icarus: Uprising And for...
  6. Ryan the Terrible

    Top 10 Favorite Albums

    I'll try and do this I guess, but it will probably be crazy different next week, since I'm on a binge of new music and my taste shifts a lot anyway. More or less following Karkat's formatting because I suck at ordering things: Absolution - Muse First Impressions of Earth - The Strokes Ga Ga Ga...
  7. Ryan the Terrible

    You hold the ability to change the world.

    I'll remake Pangaea so there are more countries closer to here, particularly making sure Europe borders the US. Then maybe I could actually wander outside the US at some point in my life. Or alternatively, I'll shuffle the people of the world so everyone is suddenly by people of unfamiliar...
  8. Ryan the Terrible


    Well...yeah...(See sometimes I don't think obvious things through and end up saying things weird.) But yes, put simply I am a percussionist.
  9. Ryan the Terrible


    You've just made yourself seem exponentially more troll-like. Anyway, I'm a multipercussionist. I can play drums (including drum set, and I'm...somewhat good at it), mallets, and most other auxiliary percussion. I really want to learn how to play piano too, and probably some other stuff eventually.
  10. Ryan the Terrible

    Winter Wrap-Up

    No. Not where I live. It will never be spring here.
  11. Ryan the Terrible


    I'm a multipercussionist; I can play mallets, drums, and I'm trying to teach myself piano...not sure how successful that will be.
  12. Ryan the Terrible

    Pokémon Black and White

    Re: Pokémon Black and White It kills me that this game is out today and I probably can't get it until tomorrow. Dx
  13. Ryan the Terrible

    Rate the song above you

    10/10 I have infinite love for Florence. The Shins - So Says I
  14. Ryan the Terrible


    Wait, Cleverbot is actually clever? O: Also, my attempt at a singalong:
  15. Ryan the Terrible

    Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions

    No, this is Patrick. Where is your god now?
  16. Ryan the Terrible

    Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions

    No, it conducts symphonies. Where were French fries invented?
  17. Ryan the Terrible

    Rate the song above you

    5/10 Decent, just not my kind of music... Metric - Empty
  18. Ryan the Terrible

    Lady Gaga

    Well, to be quite frank...I don't like it. At all. Listened to it a few times, but it's just not getting any better. It's my least favorite Gaga song, no contest. :< Just sounds like layers of synth were piled on top of each other, and the lyrics contain far too much cheese for my tastes. Don't...
  19. Ryan the Terrible

    Political Compass

    Economic Left/Right - 3.50 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian - 7.69 Yeah seems about right.
  20. Ryan the Terrible

    Rate the song above you

    9/10 Definitely one of the better MCR songs. Cage the Elephant - Right Before My Eyes
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