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  1. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Sure, it meowkes absolute sense. But imo, him never actually saving VM makes that sound fakeclaim-y, in my meowpinion. Also, meowst other Badge Actions had at least someowthing to so with the main one - where are Oneshotcop and Doc connected?
  2. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    * @ミ☆ ᴍyᴜᴍᴀ
  3. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Actually, that meowght be relevant? @Myuma, @Bluwiikoon - are your abilities named after meowes or not? Irregardles - Ysabel, what is your meowpinion about Bluwiikoon? After re-reading that ISO, he's starting to look pretty scummy, imo
  4. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    I'll start. Meown Power: Where's Togepi run off to? Meowkes me able to watch who visited another player Badge Meower: Did it take my remote control? Enables me to tell what someown was targeted with. Badge Dispenser: Gives meowt one Earth Badge. Lorewise, I'm on a meowssion to capture Togepi...
  5. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Team Rocket Boss (Confirmed Town) Meowself, of course 😸 Rocket Admin (Strong Townlean) Rocket Grunt (Townlean) Myuma, due to having proven to have a role with a rolemeower that seemeowngly is townaligned. Also has meowde quite a few in-depth posts explaining her reasoning behind suspicions...
  6. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    But if we're at 2:3 right meow, abstaining would lead to the Mafia winning tomeowrrow.
  7. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    That's a surprising developemeownt! As it turns meowt, nobody targeted Mawile with an action toNight 🙀 Meowbe the Mafia has a meoember who is a Ninja?
  8. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    I'd really like to kmeow what Myuma targeted Bluwiikoon with, anyways. But I guess for meow, Bluwiikoon?
  9. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Why one of those two, meow? Uhm, if I'd have to choose, meow vote would probably fall on Bluwiikoon - didn't he Team with Zori, who wasn't Meownaligned?
  10. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Comeow to think of it, I never heard of it before meow... 😸
  11. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    On the other hand, that Chart was really ameowzing, so I'm currently meowjorly townreading Kokorico... Ysabel
  12. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    I meowght Abstain , then.
  13. Mr. Ultracool

    Word Association Scrabble

    PytHagoras a d Damned a s r M Murkrow a n g s i triples c e t r i p e s
  14. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Meow, too 😸 Ysabel
  15. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Not really, sorry 😿 Many of the people who, in meow opinion, were likely to be maf just died, so I'm currently going meowver the ISOs again
  16. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Meowbe that's his plan, though? Meowking up a role Town wouldn't possibly want to termeownate sounds like a good one to fakeclaim, tbh
  17. Mr. Ultracool

    Word Association Scrabble

    PytHagoras a d Damned a s r M Murkrow a n g s i t c e r There's one, now ^^ Thanks, @ kokorico!
  18. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    In that vein, I'd love to meow what action @ミ☆ ᴍyᴜᴍᴀ performed on Bluwiikoon. Sure, that meowght come across as a bit rolefishy, but in my opinion, we need informeowtion like that to meowperate with.
  19. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    I actually meownt us loosing due to the distribution of 5 Meowfia to 3 Town. Anyways, the Meowfia having an extra kill is seemeowngly a possibility - otherwise, there'd have to be two Vigs? Meowbe there's a Grandfather- type role, though
  20. Mr. Ultracool

    Gym Leader Choice Pokémafia 2 - Game Thread

    Meowbe there were five Meowfia Meowmbers after all and there's meowrely a tailor/janitor going ameownd? That would explain the lack of Lylo
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