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Search results

  1. Sapphiron

    How would you like to die?

    When my body becomes too aged to live any longer...
  2. Sapphiron

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    This is my second latest work. (Latest being the second sprite) This is probably the most editing I've done to a base trainer without combining it with Pokemon parts. I also made a cosplay of an Angel Imp from Gaia Online. This is who the Angel Imp is. The black bar is there because he's...
  3. Sapphiron

    Where did you get your avatar?

    I made this sprite myself. I used Lucas (D/P male character) as the base, Dawn's hat, the left hand and legs of a male Psychic, and I edited the other parts of it on my own (Including the left arm.) I may tinker with it some more in the future, or even make my Gaia avatar in that form.
  4. Sapphiron

    Tell me something that's...

    Uh, a funeral? Or when you're being held hostage. Tell me something that's asinine.
  5. Sapphiron

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose After reading the whole thread, I've lost so many times that I lost count. Anyways, here's one:
  6. Sapphiron

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose I lost like, 5 times...>.<
  7. Sapphiron

    Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged

    Re: Screw the rules, I'm a fan! I forgot: "It's called cheating. Deal with it!" "DUEL DISK SYSTEM! Trademark." "I say Yugi, can I be in this episode-Oh bugger!" "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Hulk Smash!" "Get your hairy balls out of my face!" (He's talking about a Kuriboh) "Those...
  8. Sapphiron

    Favorite Pokémon of Each Type

    Re: Favorite Pokémon of Each Type Normal-Exploud Fire-Infernape Water-Swampert (Although I remember and respect Blastoise) Grass-Shiftry Electric-Zapdos Ground-Groudon Ice-Regice Fighting-Lucario Steel-Registeel Rock-Solrock, Rampardos Psychic-Azelf, Gardevoir Ghost-Giratina (Another Form)...
  9. Sapphiron

    Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged

    Re: Screw the rules, I'm a fan! I love that series. Here are some of my favorite lines: "Kitty!" "I am not a kitty!" "Oh shut up, Kitty." "Slifer no swiping! Slifer no swiping! Slifer no swiping!" "Aww, man..." "Attention duelists! my hair is assaulting you!" "I'm actually going to do...
  10. Sapphiron

    Platinum Discussion

    This is gonna be the most fun third version since Emerald. Torn Dimension looks pretty sweet since it utilizes the third dimension, the new outfits are a welcome addition,(Especially since this is the FIRST game where the playable characters wear winter clothes) and it stars one of my favorite...
  11. Sapphiron

    Favorite Pokemon?

    I'd have to go with Absol, Swampert, Shiftry, Giratina (Another Form), Regice, and Azelf.
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