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Search results

  1. G

    Discworld series

    On a slightly different subject, who're your favorite characters? Mine are Death, the Librarian, and the Bursar. Yes, I have a fondness for weird characters. And I liked the scene in Sourcery
  2. G

    Scientists make monkeys glow, cure AIDS

    D: Poor monkeys... They can never go home. Still, that really does sound kawaii! And I have to admit I'd like to see one...but maybe not have one, because they bite.
  3. G

    The Challenge Board

    My profile I will fight you!
  4. G

    Bank of TCoD

    $10+$3=$13. Allowance CLAIM!
  5. G

    Discworld series

    ... I liked Rincewind books... Anyways, yes, I did like the books with him for some reason. Then again, it might be because of the other wizards, not him. But I agree that the Death books are some of the best. Especially the ones that have Susan as well! And I agree that Thief of Time was...
  6. G

    New Pokemon?

    OMG stegosaur and dolphin would be awesome. Seriously, the dolphin seems to be the main focus of almost everyone here. Plus a panda that actually has a pandaish color scheme.
  7. G

    Suggestions My scratch sprites

    The little eyebrow-lightning thing looks weird. Maybe add another one? Also, I don't think the little floating rock nearby should have a ring around it.
  8. G

    Digimon is like pokemon

    Although Pokemon are alive, there's not much "death." And heck, the "death" of Lucario was more like "fading into nothingness." Digimon was much more serious-didn't one of the characters put up graves for the "dead" near the end of the first season? And that season also had no mention of...
  9. G

    Suggestions Butterfree's Pixel Art

    The Gastly's expression is so cute! And so are the little red dots on its forehead. (Does the official sprite have these? I'm lazy.) Are you going to make backsprites and 2nd-frames for your other fakes?
  10. G

    What improvements do you think should be made in future pokemon version games?

    I dunno...I thought some of the new Pokes were nice. As in "ha ha you look funny" nice. But new plotlines, such as branching ones, or better sprite animations would be nice. *pokes ugly new animations* Is it just me, or are they getting worse?
  11. G

    Weirdest Sprite!

    I have to go to the bathroom...so bad...must hold...
  12. G

    The Challenge Board

    I take! Such a fun arena! Profile
  13. G

    What Pokemon do you like that other people hate?

    I love Hoothoot! It's a spherical owl! What's not to love? And Houndoom is cool. So is Mightyena. Ampharos is adorable. *glomps her stuffed Ampharos* Bidoof is fluffy. Therefore, it is adorable. So there.
  14. G

    Blu's Sprite Circus! Again!

    Er...hi? I was wondering if you would be willing to give me the code for my griffin avatar again? Thanks! And lisaw, be patient! Blu has got a lot to do!
  15. G

    Testing thread

    Rotom-flying Rotom-ice Rotom-fire Rotom-grass Rotom-water
  16. G

    Which postbit do you use?

    Vertical be prettyish. Plus it's the usual setting on my other forums.
  17. G

    Profile Archive

    Statly Stuff Name: Griffin Gender: Female Age: 16 Appearance: An anthropomorphic griffin whose color changes, but usually stays in dark/neutral colors. Most common color scheme is black with white feathers/beak/tail/neck ruff. Generally changes to bright colors only if drunk. 8D Active Team...
  18. G

    Bank of TCoD

    Bought a team $45-$35=$10
  19. G

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Moonbeam] Hoothoot (M) Ability: Insomnia Move Mod: None Body Mod: None [Sherile] Absol (F) Ability: Super Luck Move Mod: None Body Mod: None Cost: $35 Paid for here.
  20. G

    The Birthday Center

    My birthday is November 2nd!
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