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Search results

  1. G

    Favorite Type?

    Steel above all, followed by Fire, Flying, Ghost and Dark.
  2. G

    Favorite Pokemon?

    Ooh, let's see here. I like Metagross, Staraptor, Magnezone, Mamoswine, Crobat, Dusknoir and Heracross, among others.
  3. G

    Weirdest evolution

    And Vibrava to Flygon, to be honest. That whole evolution line garnered a "WTF?" reaction from me. >> Snorunt to Glalie is another odd one (though Froslass at least looked slightly logical), and the Bagon line is rather odd, too. Hoenn brought us some freaky evolutions. X3
  4. G

    Hello all!

    Yeah, hello to everyone. I was never really that active on TCoD forums, but I've been looking to get involved with another forum, and since everyone else had to start afresh, I thought I might as well. So yeah, I'm Ekibyōgami. I'm a keen ASBer, and hope to particpate in the TCoD League once...
  5. G

    Hello! *waves from PFU*

    Hello! *waves from PFU*
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