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Search results

  1. EmeraldLeafBlade

    What's your favorite Fire Starter?

    Torchic. ^^ They're just so adorable and fluffy, and I have two uber-cute plushies of them. :grin:
  2. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Too many legendaries?

    I like how there's a lot of legendaries. It makes the Pokedex more challenging to complete, adding more replay value.
  3. EmeraldLeafBlade

    What's your favorite Water Starter?

    Squirtle. <3 Just so cute and awesome. I happened to see "The Fire-Ring Squad" yesterday too. Besides, Blastoise was my first ever level 100. Great memories.
  4. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Best Pokemon Game Ever

    lyk gsc dudezzz Seriously though, probably D/P. It's so hard to choose though, they're all so great...
  5. EmeraldLeafBlade

    Old habits in pokemon games

    Re: Old habbits are hard to break, Mk. II Once I read somewhere that, in R/B/Y, you had to wait a second after saving before turning the game off for it top save correctly. That's how I got into the habit of counting to five after I save. Every. Single. Time. Even on D/P. Heck, even on most...
  6. EmeraldLeafBlade


    I didn't post much at all on the forums before, but I thought I'd rejoin anyway. XD Call me Emerald, Leaf, Blade, EmeraldLeaf, EmeraldBlade, ELB, or just EmeraldLeafBlade. I like the colors pink and green. Pink is not an "evil" color. My favorite Pokemon changes every other day, it seems. So...
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