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Search results

  1. A

    The Black Market

    :o :0 :O :D why thank you good sir :DDD
  2. A

    Thank you! :D

    Thank you! :D
  3. A

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [Valor] phanpy (M) Ability: Pickup Signature Attribute: A Different Outlook Well, Valor always was a different one. As a young phanpy, he never was interested in playing tag with the other children; actually, he liked to watch adult donphan fight, whether it was...
  4. A

    Billy Mays Dead

    Damn. >: ..we don't need anyone else to die, kthnxbai. :/
  5. A

    Hello! [/genericintroduction]

    Heh. Heavy Lobster. :D Your name just made my day. Anyways, welcome to the forums. I'm starting to get into ASB myself. Maybe I'll see you there.. xD
  6. A

    You'd figure that you have more than 117 VMs.. I mean, you're so obviously popular. >:D

    You'd figure that you have more than 117 VMs.. I mean, you're so obviously popular. >:D
  7. A

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office It was approved, so I assume you're good. Also, I'd like to get a Signature Attribute approved. It's, uhm, unique. >:D [Valor] phanpy (M) Ability: Pickup Signature Attribute: A Different Outlook Well, Valor always was a different one. As a young phanpy, he...
  8. A

    Well hey there

    Well hey there
  9. A

    Alright. :3

  10. A

    Stupidest way to get thrown out of a hotel

    I dunno if you could actually do this (I mean, what hotel lets you bring in scissors and a power drill?), but it'd be pretty fun. :D Anyways, cut random holes into the carpeted floor of your room, so you can see the actual flooring underneath. Then, use a power drill (or something else; a...
  11. A

    Random conversations are good. It's how I tend to make friends. >:D gaah, I can't use...

    Random conversations are good. It's how I tend to make friends. >:D gaah, I can't use strikethrough bb in VMs. That usually makes my convos more fun. >:
  12. A

    I'm back.... with a vengeance!

    Hey there. You know, I noticed that all of the capital letters in your usertitle, if spelled out, say SPINGAS. That's one letter away from Spinda-s. Maybe you're just one letter away from becoming a confused panda as well? In that case.. *sends you an angry letter full of angry words that mean...
  13. A

    Well, hi. You're my randomly selected person of TCoD to talk to today. :3 So how are you?

    Well, hi. You're my randomly selected person of TCoD to talk to today. :3 So how are you?
  14. A

    Bank of TCoD

    6 + 3 = 9 Presuming I can collect allowance. :3
  15. A

    The Challenge Board

    *accepts* Here's my profile, and here's Mehwmew's in case anyone has their signatures turned off. :D
  16. A

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Your post in the bank basically needs to link to the post that says what you're buying here. That way, by looking at that bank post, someone knows exactly what you bought, and can check and make sure the monetary amounts are correct. Your post here also needs to...
  17. A

    Alright. :3

    I can do a lot of that too. :D ..except not the anime. I dislike the anime. :/ xD Well, uhm, it's been in progress for a while. Too long, actually. And I'm really lazy, so I've got to stop hanging around random forums and work on it.. o_o;; Anyways, if it's okay, I might post a thread on it...
  18. A

    Mesprit VS Uxie VS Azelf

    Exactly. >:D ..although, Azelf is fun. On Shoddy, o'course. ;3
  19. A

    What is your favourite single Pokemon ever

    Donphan At least, until I find a better liking, this guy's my favorite.
  20. A

    Referee Headquarters

    In the middle of the first post; right under the heading that says "Becoming a Referee".
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