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Search results

  1. Qwilfish

    Three word story

    ..made from a..
  2. Qwilfish

    Grass King has returned.

    Welcome back to TCoD!
  3. Qwilfish

    Back after a somewhat short previous life

    Ah, the classic Castform song. XD I missed it.
  4. Qwilfish

    Pisstake of Rainbow

    Re: Oh, dear god... 'Oh, I can't get it in Geoffrey!'
  5. Qwilfish

    So, zombies are animated corpses, right? (A Zombie Survival Plan)

    Oh, great idea. 'Yeah! Let's leave the AK-47 at home and go for a Stella!'
  6. Qwilfish

    Should zombies be refunded? O_O

    Yes. Mind you, zombie humour is pretty dire. They get a refund if they vow to never tell jokes in public. 'Knock Knock' 'Who's there' 'Graagh' 'Graagh who?' 'Graagh' 'Okay, stop it now' 'Graagh' 'I'm just going to, you know, walk away...' 'Graagh' *sound of footsteps*
  7. Qwilfish

    The all new "This Thread goes in reverse!"

    Sorry, but it's true.
  8. Qwilfish

    I r back

    Welcome back to TCoD!
  9. Qwilfish

    Hi! Me is new.

    It has an unfair advantage when doing the Macarena. XD
  10. Qwilfish

    Hi! Me is new.

    Welcome to TCoD, where cod is good and mint tea is even better.
  11. Qwilfish

    Three word story

    ..vat of butter..
  12. Qwilfish

    Back after a somewhat short previous life

    I'm back to the forums! You may know me from Pokemon Fan Universe, but, yeah, I *occasionally* used to come here. Now, I've vowed to become more active here and actually get a respectable post count. ~Le Qwil~
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