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Search results

  1. Bellsprout

    [B/W] SERIOUS help need with my team. (it's not even complete...)

    Chandelure has base stats of 90 in both defenses. It has the potential to get over 300 in either stat with the right nature. Nothing extraordinary, but definitely above average. Especially as far as the Ghost-type is concerned.
  2. Bellsprout

    [B/W] SERIOUS help need with my team. (it's not even complete...)

    It's really a toss-up. Chandelure has stats where it really matters, though I think Metagross gives you better overall coverage. Not to mention all the resistances that a Steel-type affords you. And with pokémon like Mienshao and Zoroark (both with base 60 defenses) you're probably going to...
  3. Bellsprout


  4. Bellsprout


  5. Bellsprout

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Restarted for the sake of transferring to White when I'm done. But I may as well enjoy this in the meantime while I can. WEEPINBELL GetB*tches Lv21 (Cuz Bellsprout gets 'em all) Mild/Chlorophyll Vine Whip / Growth / Wrap / Stun Spore @ Miracle Seed BUTTERFREE Friendly Lv22...
  6. Bellsprout

    D/P/Pt Team X

    --Don't have too much experience with Starmie, so you're kind of on your own with that one. I'd say the all-out offense to start is good in theory, but the moves are pretty much a matter of personal preference. Seems you'd get fairly even type coverage regardless of the combination. I'd go...
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