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Search results

  1. Rex

    Eye Color

    It used to be brown, but over the years it been getting darker. Now my eyes are black. :/
  2. Rex

    What instrument do you play?

    I play the violin, ukulele, harmonica, and guitar. People say I'm really good at violin, harmonica, and ukulele, but I don't really play my guitar often.
  3. Rex

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    This is my first pixel over. C+CC?
  4. Rex

    Stupid things you thought were true

    I think it's because when I first saw Cradily, it was looking down, so I thought "hey where are its eyes" and then I was like, "Oh! Those spiraly things are its eyes!"
  5. Rex

    Stupid things you thought were true

    Okay, this one is REALLY stupid. You know those spiral things on Cradily's head? Yeah, I thought those were its eyes. And I thought its actual eyes were its teeth.
  6. Rex

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    9/10 Dawwwww Zekrom :3
  7. Rex

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    10/10 That's freaking hilarious.
  8. Rex

    What's ironic or surprising in your Pokemon game?

    In my HeartGold, my Zubat evolved into Golbat. I took 3 steps and it evolved into Crobat.
  9. Rex

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...you must use Sacred Fire to roast his ass. After you defeat Red, you will be turned back into a human and transported to...
  10. Rex

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...fly over to Bell Tower, but out of nowhere, comes a Pokeball and it catches you. The Pokeball belongs to none other than...
  11. Rex

    Suicide Game! =D

    I pick up the hair, and Phoenix himself come up to me and snatches back his hair/wig and places it on his head. He then shoots me in the head. I drop a playing card.
  12. Rex

    Halloween...your costume this year

    That's what my friend did last year! It was really popular, but people kept stealing the chickens.
  13. Rex

    Halloween...your costume this year

    I'm gonna rip off The Office and probably dress up as Facebook by writing book on my face.
  14. Rex

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    9/10. It's lovely. I love the expression.
  15. Rex

    Is your avatar charlieissocoollike?

    Is your avatar charlieissocoollike?
  16. Rex

    Suicide Game! =D

    I try and find the circumference of the circle, and calculate pi to a bajillion places, causing my brain to explode. I drop an unloaded gun.
  17. Rex


    I like all types of seafood - fish, shellfish, clams/mussels/scallops, etc. My favorite type of fish is salmon, and I also love shrimp.
  18. Rex

    Creepy Pokemon Shit

    Mine is too, last year.
  19. Rex

    Game Recommendations

    I think you should get an Xbox 360 and Halo: Reach.
  20. Rex

    Rate the Avatar Above You~

    3/10 Eh.
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