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Search results

  1. IcySapphire


    That's what I wonder as well
  2. IcySapphire


    Miku et al. actually sound good in the hands of a skilled user
  3. IcySapphire

    PersonalDNA Personality Tests

    Animated Idealist http://personaldna.com/report.php?k=tJpHwsFrNQKLIXV-EK-CDCAD-9909&u=9121ac98e14a
  4. IcySapphire


    Coke Zero (if it's availiable), and Diet Pepsi
  5. IcySapphire

    Most disturbing villains in fiction

    I'll see your Majora and raise you Kefka and Dhoulmagus.
  6. IcySapphire

    Greatest Flash Games You've Played

    Epic Battle Fantasy 3 The Enchanted Cave The Mardek series
  7. IcySapphire

    A new PC armed with Windows 7

    A new PC armed with Windows 7
  8. IcySapphire

    Thank you! I can't wait to receive my big present

    Thank you! I can't wait to receive my big present
  9. IcySapphire

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  10. IcySapphire

    Icy gained a level!

    The bad news is, I have to wait on it to get here
  11. IcySapphire

    Icy gained a level!

    The cool part? I get a new PC!
  12. IcySapphire

    Icy gained a level!

    Or, it's my birthday! ::braces self for presents::
  13. IcySapphire


    Most performances do have subs
  14. IcySapphire


    Rumor is that the VOCALOID 3 is the most realistic sounding Vocaloid yet
  15. IcySapphire


    okay, here's Len's rendition of the whole song: Ievan Polkka, as performed by Len Kagamine
  16. IcySapphire


    Actually, there is a version where Len sings the whole thing
  17. IcySapphire

    Wait.... What???

    Sounds like a stat glitch to me
  18. IcySapphire


    I love them! My favorites are Miku, Rin, Luka, Meiko, Kaito, Sonika, and Prima.
  19. IcySapphire

    Save Points

    I particularly like the save points that also heal your characters--that way, I can go into the next boss fight or annoying part at full power. Save points are also nice as "panic buttons"--so if a boss fight goes horribly wrong, you can just reset and reload.
  20. IcySapphire

    Dragon Quest 9: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

    What equipment do you need to recreate DQ heroes and heroines?
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