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Search results

  1. JolteonShock

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    Oh sorry! I forgot!
  2. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    I've got an exalted! First one! :DDDDDDD
  3. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    I have about 22000 of my red aura. But I need more...
  4. JolteonShock

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    Wha? Oh, I didn't take it wrong! Sorry that I didn't post, I got distracted. And I actually liked yours better. Sorry about the confusion. But anyway, how about a Jolteon/Manectric sprite, with Jolteon as the base? And sorry again.
  5. JolteonShock

    [Comic] The Five Stages of Love - UPDATES LIKE ONCE A WEEK AT BEST UGGH

    I don't know why, but on the last page in the second panel, I imagined Donald as a Croagunk. I don't know why. But anyway, the panel on the last page is amazing. The black shadow effect was well achieved! <3
  6. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Missigno egg hatched! How do you get it to change forms?
  7. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    I'm offering all my reasources other the my Red Aura on the market to get more Red Aura. I am going to get that Silver Powder. I WILL GET IT!! *cough*
  8. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Lucky! I'm exploring Sargasso right now. And, because I'm feeling nice, I made it ready to hatch.
  9. JolteonShock

    (Comics) Oh look! 2 Sprite Comics!

    If you load the comcis from your computor onto a site like photobucket (requires sign-up) ot tinypic (don't need to sign-up), you can get codes to display it on the web. Copy the BB/IMG Code, and paste it in you first post, or wherever you want to post it, and voila! Your comic shall magically...
  10. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    How about I try too?
  11. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Awesome! Pirate Parrots. That's like a tongue-twister! XD
  12. JolteonShock

    [Shop] Sparkly Things

    Uh, is 5:30 tomorrow (my time) okay with you?
  13. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    3% until Fejern is a teen! Then, bye-bye sleepy thing.
  14. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    It is fun! I really am liking this new era! Now, I wonder if there'll be new creatures?
  15. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I got one! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD First event egg!
  16. JolteonShock

    [Shop] Sparkly Things

    How about 5:30 pm on Tuesday, my time? I have honor band after school til 5, so I won't be available at that time. I'll register you. I assume you'll be using your Diamond?
  17. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    I like the food stuff. Easy evolving~! I think I'm warming up to this new era. EDIT: Evolved all my creatures fully. Now, to get a bunch of accomplishments.
  18. JolteonShock

    [Shop] Sparkly Things

    How about a Shiny Illumise? Female (obviously), nickname MOON (non-changeable), level 41, Timid Nature? I don't know about its EVs, though. I don't know if it will be enough, but...I'm available to trade right now. (Never mind, I'll be on tomorrow) I'll register you as soon as I receive...
  19. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    I don't really get the update. it just seems like they made it way more confusing. I haven't found any eggs or creatures yet from exploring, but I have found random items.
  20. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Oh, that's perfectly fine~ Thanks for the help!
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