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Search results

  1. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    I got a Wury egg. Moo. EDIT: I got a Tye egg!
  2. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    A Barboach? Really? It doesn't look like one... Okay, I got an egg that I don't know what it is. Please don't tell me what it is, though. I want it to be a surprise.
  3. JolteonShock

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    Wow! All of them look great! Can I show you my version of the Regigigas/Giratina sprite? I want to show it off, because I'm a braggart. XD
  4. JolteonShock

    Your favourite Pokémon of each type?

    Re: Your favourite Pokémon of each type? Normal: eevee Fighting: Lucario Flying: Swablu Poison: Arbok Ground: Diglett Rock: Golem Bug: Masquerain Ghost: Duskull Steel: Skarmory Fire: Charizard Water: Vaporeon Grass: Leafeon Electric: Luxray Psychic: Espeon Ice: Glaceon Dragon: Altaria Dark...
  5. JolteonShock

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    I'm stuck on the Giratina splice bandwagon, so how about a Giratina/Regigigas splice? I made one and want to compare.
  6. JolteonShock

    Jolteon's Museum of Sprites

    Welcome to Jolteon's Musuem of Sprites. Allow me to take you on a tour of the many sprites we have on display. Let us begin in the Fakemon wing, where JolteonShock's scratch sprites of her Fakemon from the Myrno region are displayed. Here are the starters of the region: Herben Fiera Swifin...
  7. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I don't have one either! :(
  8. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Are the eggs in the shelter? Or the lab? Or are they just giving them to us? Anyway, my Growlithe and Meditite hatched.
  9. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Fejern is a child! Look at the cute tiredness!
  10. JolteonShock

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    That's fine! How about you make a splice instead? I saw you made a Dialga/Giratina splice, so how about a Palkia and Giratina one? With Palkia as the base?
  11. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    My Western will be a child soon. Level 12. Yay!
  12. JolteonShock

    The Spriter's Club Reborn

    You double posted. I think it's cute! The shading seems right everywhere. Unlike any things I make. A scratch. Shading advice please!
  13. JolteonShock

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    You make me want to start splicing again. Even though I didn't request it, I think it's awesome.
  14. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Well, at least I'm pretty sure it is. ^^' But it does look like one.
  15. JolteonShock

    Requests Open SpriteRite- New Honors List Members

    Re: SpriteRite- Free Now, Free Forever! Oh wow! Thanks! Its so amazing! <3
  16. JolteonShock

    Favourite Fictional Characters?

    Movies: Stitch from Lilo & Stitch Books: Aly from Trickster's Choice TV: House from House (duh) Comics: (can manga count, too?) Edward and Alphonse from Full Metal Alchemist Video Games: Tyson from Pokemon Platinum
  17. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    My Horsea egg hatched, and I got a Sneasel egg. <3
  18. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Wyzouen's gonna be level 50 soon. Then twenty more levels to a silvler dragon! <3
  19. JolteonShock

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    I want Suicune in the event. But having any one of them would make me love the GPX+ people. XD
  20. JolteonShock

    Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests (open)

    Re: Zackrinian pokemon art... does requests I think it looks great so far! I fail at scratch spriting, period. ^^'
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