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Search results

  1. JolteonShock

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Oops. Must've been a typo while making my profile. ^^' Evolving. Shinx [Rentoraa][M][Intimidate] Approval: Approval And now... Luxio[Rentoraa][M][Intimidate] Two EXP: EXP Hope I did it right
  2. JolteonShock

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Evolving. Shinx [Rentoraa][F][Intimidate] Approval: Approval And now... Luxio[Rentoraa][F][Intimidate] Two EXP: EXP Hope I did it right.
  3. JolteonShock

    Bank of TCoD

    Won a battle: 8+8= 16
  4. JolteonShock

    StyliBoy vs JolteonShock

    Alright, Rentoraa! Go in for the kill! Use Quick Attack, then chill, then uick attack again, if it doesn't finish it off! Quick Attack~chill~Quick attack
  5. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Berbee is fully evolved, Juju evolved and my Flarius egg hatched.
  6. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~ Lizatorra's a child now and Wyzouen is developing, he's going to be an adult soon. If you think these names are weird, it's a mash-up. The first syllable has to do with their specie (Liza=Lizardus) and the last letters use a language or element name I made up for...
  7. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Huh. It shows my names in green, but I already cared for them. I think it's if you already cared for them. Anyway, . And my Berbee and Flarius egg needs clicks.
  8. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Oooh! I want one of those! Except I don't know how to get coins fast.
  9. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Scorche can evolve. Sick with the flu, and, unbelievably, I want to go to school! I think my crush is going to ask me out soon, and I have a ceramics class today. And I love ceramics. Anyway, my Lazuli is fully evolved now, and my rock evolved into Juju. EDIT: Actually, now I'm kinda glad...
  10. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~ Lizatorra "is developing"! Two percent until she grows into a child! Yayz!
  11. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    LUCKY!! I'm happy for you! I haven't gotten a noble or Exalted yet, but I keep checking.
  12. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Three more clicks, and two more clicks.
  13. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Woot! tHIS THREAD IS NOW A HOT TOPIC! Ooops, accidentally had caps on. XD In other news, my Orbit evolved, and I got a new egg because my sheep one hatched. And some more cretures need clicks: Three more and four more.
  14. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Two more clicks for Angelo, and my sheepie egg hatched.
  15. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Your Zappa can evolve. My Jack and Agua evolved! Thanks for all the clicks, guys!
  16. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    I clicked the clover, but (I'm assuming that the second egg in your post with the clover is the lazuli) your lazuli isn't showing up. And is your Flarius anywhere? I can't find it. EDIT: Never mind, I'll get at it from your page.
  17. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    My stone egg hathed, and my Fwog evolved. Yayz. My Aqua needs three more clicks to evolve, as does my Jack. Clicks, pwease?
  18. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Sheepie boom! Yeah, I saw that too. I want to enter too, but I'm mind blank on anything original. :(
  19. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    The gargoyle is COOL~
  20. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Your stone adn guy and caterpillar dude can evolve.
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