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Search results

  1. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Rock egg. :D 'Nuf said.
  2. JolteonShock

    StyliBoy vs JolteonShock

    Alright, Rentoraa! Now that you aren't confused, we can start focusing on the battle. First, try Charge! Then, Howl! And finally, finish with Thunder Fang! Charge~Howl~Thunder Fang
  3. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Paww, Asiago, Nagi, and my egg hatched!
  4. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Click'd! Lilin evolved into a cute fwoggy!
  5. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~ Eggie hatched! Daw~ A cutie! :D
  6. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    You can has. One more click, two clicks, three clicks, respectively.
  7. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~ Yay! Another Frenchie! Prlez-vous français? Ou bien tu seulement savais ce mot?
  8. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    I got another lazuli, but gonna abandon it. I really only want one egg at a time.
  9. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~ A new egg! Lizardus' are soooooo cute!
  10. JolteonShock

    Requests Closed Dame Alex's Sprite Center

    Re: Dame Alex's Center for Chao(s) :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD I LOVE IT!!
  11. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Got a new egg! Now, eagerly awaiting the appearance of new eggs! ...
  12. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    'Grats on the exalted, IP! FaA, clicked Fwog!
  13. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~ Why cry in a corner??? 22% 'til level 30...
  14. JolteonShock

    home of the Shiny

    *facepalm*((SORRY!!)) (Ignore the last post) Candy queasily got off Dreams' back, then noticed the Jigglypuff. "Hi I'm Candy. Nice to meet you."
  15. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Darn. I already clicked everyone's. Needs three more clicks: Mousey needs two:
  16. JolteonShock

    home of the Shiny

    "Nice to meet you." Candy said to Jello.
  17. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    I sooo want one of those! :D Click'd!
  18. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    FaA, Cow egg can hatch. Melodic Harmony, Asmo, Flizzard egg and the blue frill one can hatch. Invader Palkia, mouse egg can hatch. Whew, lots of evolvees!
  19. JolteonShock

    The DRAGON ADOPTERS club, dammit

    Re: The Dragon Adopters Club~ One more level 'til 30! :D I wonder what egg I'll get...
  20. JolteonShock

    The UniCreatures Fan Club!

    Chomp can evolve! My Roots (Chomp's evolved form) is named Chompers. O.o
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