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Search results

  1. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    another chewable-looking pokemon :3 Requests Closed, until I´m done.
  2. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Sorry for being gone for a while :( (mom took my computer for "not doing what I have to do") But anyway, here´s the milotic; Mewtwo and Cryptica, I´m on yours as soon as possible :) EDIT; bubblyface :3 <_< Not so bubbly
  3. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Sorry for the time it took, I´ve been very busy lately... Hikari Nijino, Your Milotic is soon done.
  4. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Sure, I´m on it soon :) It´s only the Ninetales, I don´t know how to make the other two... Well, I´ll soon find out, I hope ^^
  5. Maron

    What do you like to in your games aside from train/battle?

    treasure hunting and berries...
  6. Maron

    Trainers with your name?

    I know there are no trainers with my name, maybe Lea or Leah, but not Linnea...
  7. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    you´re welcome ^^ ...fail...?
  8. Maron

    Yet another sprite contest

    Squirtlite... or something...
  9. Maron

    Cats or Dogs?

    Thats a hard choice... but I´ll say dogs ´cause I live with two wonderful Golden Reterivers :3 although I love cats too...
  10. Maron

    What Pokemon have you sworn you saw in real life?

    I thougth I saw a Tangela in the staircase this morning, it was very small though...
  11. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    :3 <_< that one´s weird...
  12. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    I´m rigth on it :) sure I´ll take special requests!
  13. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Glad you liked´em :) Recoloring Raichu is TORTURE! it looks very... chewable :3
  14. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    sure, everyone who has requested will get their sprites. soon. :)
  15. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Black Yoshi 99, Here are your Lucarios;
  16. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Now I´m back! I´ll start spriting rigth now :D
  17. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    I´m not able to sprite on maybe a week or something :( but as soon as I am able to it I´ll start again, okay?
  18. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

  19. Maron

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    No, I wouldn´t eat it, I don´t eat meat normally. Even under extreme circumstances, I don´t think I would be able to to eat it, I would probably throw it up, beacuse it seems so discusting... Although I doesn´t see anything wrong with doing it, well if you didn´t killed the human yourself and...
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