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Search results

  1. Maron

    Hi! I'm eeveefan

    Welcome :D
  2. Maron

    What is the absolute cutest Pokemon EVAR?

    misdreavus <3 <3 *hugs*
  3. Maron

    The ABBA Club

    Re: The Abba Club Yay for ABBA, and yay for being swedish, I´ll join :D
  4. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Introducing blue glow!; And just to be random; an Oddituff! and it´s evil!
  5. Maron


    Welcome to tCod, SwordStriker :)
  6. Maron


    Spiders, ugh... uhm, I don´t like clowns and wardrobes either... Especially Clowns IN Wardrobes...
  7. Maron

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    You think? Thank you :D :D:D:D
  8. Maron

    What's your favorite region Pokemon-wise?

    Johto <3 I don´t know why, but I really likes it :)
  9. Maron

    Which non-promotion legendaries are easiest/hardest to catch?

    I´d say; Easiest; Dialga/Palkia Hardest; Raikou and Entei
  10. Maron

    Behind the Avatar [SELF PICTURES GO HERE]

    Don´t click here! me again aaand here...
  11. Maron

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Ok, I just found them, Didn´t know.
  12. Maron

    What are you wearing right now?

    wearing? headphones and a sheet... I really should get dressed.
  13. Maron

    What would your name have been had you been born the opposite gender?

    Alexander. And if you want to know, my name is Linnea (swedish(and I DO NOT like it ))
  14. Maron

    Right or Left Shift

    Depends, sometimes rigth, sometimes left...
  15. Maron

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose Lost a looong time ago :)
  16. Maron

    WTF Pokemon?

    I really like it, it´s funny and interesting to see how many mistakes they´ve made :)
  17. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    You´re very welcome :D I´m glad making you glad :)
  18. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    The glow looks weird, If you want I´ll change it, but she turned out pretty cute :3
  19. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    :3 @Kai; He does? I´ll tell him, I´m sure he´ll be glad to hear that :)
  20. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Oh dear so silly ^^ Now I am doing glowings to :)
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