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Search results

  1. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    now I can :) @Kai, Yours will be done tomorrow :)
  2. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Uhm, I can't upload pictures rigth now, until I can, requests closed. Yoy, who have requested now, will get your sprites so soon I´ve fixed it :)
  3. Maron

    Weirdest Sprite!

  4. Maron

    Happy Birthday, Me!

    Happy birthday :D
  5. Maron

    Addicted to something?

    1. Pokemon 2. Ghosts 3. Vampires 4. Demons 5. Other scary and unnatural things :[
  6. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    (huggies <3)
  7. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Mermaidish :3
  8. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    U`re welcome :) :3
  9. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    O.o''' Oh, dear...
  10. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    I am so sorry that I haven´t been active for a couple of days :( Hera are the charizard: Kai, that´ll be really hard, sure I´ll try, byt I guess it´ll just look like some kind of a recolor...
  11. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    :3 It looks like he´s wearing a pyjama -.-' ... ... Fear the almigthy Tormin!
  12. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Critics are (almost) always good, thanks :) haha, those Dittoquazas are really cute together^^. Gen 1s backsprites are my worst enemies, they want to ruin my life :(... About that Groudon morph, I´ve acctually thougth to give it another try, but I doesn´t seem to have time, hahah... I´ll make...
  13. Maron

    What's YOUR type?

    Ghost, beacuse I feel like one in real... "disappears through the wall"... Dark and Psychic shares second place, and Ice, Grass and Dragon on third.
  14. Maron

    Cutest Pokemon?

    Eevee and its evolutions :3
  15. Maron

    What's your LEAST fav type?

    Normal, I just thinks it´s a pretty boring type, cuz it´s... so normal.
  16. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Glad to make you happy :D
  17. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    - She´s pretty cute^^ - Um, Dugtrio is my favourite Ground-type, thats why it ended up like that, heheh... it looks pretty funny...
  18. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Mewtwo and Flagisnarf, yours will be done tomorrow(I hope). Dark_Pikachu, here are your Darkrais;
  19. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Dark_Pikachu and Mewtwo, I´m soon done with your requests. Tropiking, here are your fire Rhydon;
  20. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

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