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Search results

  1. Maron

    What's your favorite Water Starter?

    Mudkip, simply beacuse it´s the only water starter I´ve ever chosen.
  2. Maron

    Weirdest Sprite!

    That one scares me O.o Looking weird... O.o''' that ain´t looking like a Gengar...
  3. Maron

    Gallade Army (The first and largest army!)

    Re: Gallade Army
  4. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Here she is!; She would have looked too boring with only blue bubbles, so I made a couple of them purple. Hope you´ll like her :)
  5. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

  6. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    I´v made some new: No new requests?
  7. Maron

    Hello there

    Hello everybody, and thanks for welcoming me :D
  8. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Hmmm, I think I can tell it ^^ here they are: I like the Eevee egg best :)
  9. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Yeah, but those backsprites ain´t friends of mine...
  10. Maron

    Has Pokemon ever embarrassed you?

    Once, during an English test, I was very distracted by something and instead of "butterfly" I wrote "butterfree"... When my teacher asked me why I wrote that, I blushed and couldn´t answer. That was very embarrasing...
  11. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    You´re welcome :) :S ------------------- shadow_lugia, you didn´t said if you wanted a girl or a boy, so I made both:
  12. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

  13. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Here´s the angel; and the devil; hope you´ll like `em :)
  14. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    you´re welcome ;)
  15. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    here they are;
  16. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    at least it looks evil...
  17. Maron

    What's your favorite Pokemon and why?

    Uhm, I guess right now it´s Mismagius, but otherwise I like all eeveelutions, Haunter and Flygon.
  18. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    you´re welcome :)
  19. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    R.I.P Staraptor anyway, it´s kinda cute...
  20. Maron

    Marons Sprites!

    Sounds nostalgic^^ by the way, I´ve made some new sprites:
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