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Search results

  1. Disaster Area

    BAM (Fakemon Project)

    Add me on skype then! :] You can also often find me on this server which my friend owns and I'm the sole moderator of: http://violetversion.psim.us/
  2. Disaster Area

    BAM (Fakemon Project)

    Hey! BAM is a fakemon project with a large competitive focus to it; when it has been completed (all the fake Pokémon sprited and fully designed) it will be possible to battle with them on a simulator (either Pokemon Showdown or Pokebattle). If you're a spriter, we want you! If you've already...
  3. Disaster Area

    sup :)

    Well it's a large part of my online identity :L
  4. Disaster Area

    sup :)

    Hey my name's Disaster Area, and i just came here because this place seems pretty chill. A bit about me irl, I'm a undergraduate maths student at the university of Manchester, and my name's George. =]
  5. Disaster Area

    hey! Remember me from the old gens room?

    hey! Remember me from the old gens room?
  6. Disaster Area

    Pokemon Perfect

    http://www.pokemonperfect.com/forums/index.php Our motto is Pokemon Practice makes Pokemon Perfect. We are a competitive-battling community that encourages the development of players and their ideas, and fosters positive and respectful attitudes. We love Collaboration (working together)...
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