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Search results

  1. H

    Grey/Gray discussion

    Hm... you know... this probably won't happen, but I think it'd be really cool. A Triple Battle against the Shadow Triad with the help of Bianca and Cheren. The Triad would have high-level Pokemon, probably Dark, Poison and Ghost types with a couple of others thrown in (if they DO turn out to be...
  2. H

    FR/LG Pokemon - en francais!

    Bonjour! Why am I speaking French? Well, my mum has decided that the best way to get me to learn French is to get me a Pokemon game in the aforementioned language. I'm after either FireRed or LeafGreen. My question is this - WHAT POKEMON DO I USE?! My team on (English) Red was... eh... poor to...
  3. H

    Protein won't have any effect?

    Recently, I was preparing to face Iris in White, when I noticed that I had an unused Protein in my Bag. I tried to use it on my Samurott, Geisha, but it said "It won't have any effect". Huh? Does this mean that Geisha has a max Attack IV or something?
  4. H

    R/B/Y Is this a balanced team?

    Well, I've decided to get a new copy of Pokemon Yellow, seeing as it was my very first Pokemon game and the people I gave my old copy to after I lost my GBC sold it. I've been trying to think of a good team, and this is what I have so far: - Pikachu/Rin - Venasaur/Big Al - Charizard/Kiyoteru...
  5. H

    Pokémon Black and White

    Re: Pokémon Black and White DAME CELEBI'S WHITE ADVENTURE Trainer: Jenny Current team: - Geisha/Dewott, lvl. 31 (Geisha is the team leader. She's afraid of humans, but still trusts me.) - Shika/Deerling, lvl. 27 (Shika's always trying to please me! And ever since Driftveil Gym, she's been...
  6. H

    HG/SS Shiny Leaves

    I like to get Leaf Crowns for all of my favourites. My starters have them, along with my Ampharos and my all-time favourite, Krai the Darkrai. Krai's LC was a reward for hitting level 50.
  7. H

    Pre-Pokeball Shiny

    I haven't had the misfortune to find a shiny pre-Pokeball, and hopefully, that won't happen in White or my restart of HeartGold. However, I have had the misfortune to find a shiny Mr. Mime in the bloody Safari Zone! It ran. You know, if I get an AR, I'm going to get that Mr. Mime.
  8. H

    Planned Teams for Black and White?

    I don't have a planned team of six, but I do know what Pokemon I want. Samurott ("Ronin") Serperior ("Carmen") Emboar ("Jason") Victini ("Winston") Zoroark ("Zorro") Liepard ("Yamichan") Simisear ("Moyasu") Zebstrika ("Hikari") Swoobat ("Tobu") Excadrill ("Teggan") Krookodile ("Kamina")...
  9. H

    Your Oldest Pokemon

    My Wartortle, Ringleader, on Red. See, I started playing Pokemon aged five, and at that time, Pokemon itself was aged five (same age as the mons). My first games were Red, Yellow and Crystal, all of which were gifts from an uncle, along with the GBC I played them on. On Red, I started with...
  10. H

    Your Pokemon game-ography

    Red Yellow Crystal Sapphire FireRed Mystery Dungeon Blue Emerald Pearl Platinum HeartGold Soon, White will be added to that list...
  11. H

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    Oooh, let's think: - shiny Wartortle (Ringleader) - shiny Gyarados (Scarlett) - shiny Darkrai (Krai) - shiny Manaphy (Lalla) - shiny Kyogre (Margaret) I've also seen a shiny Mr. Mime. In the Safari Zone. RAEG.
  12. H

    FML moments

    I've had a few, but the absolute worst would be my Sapphire Nuzlocke game. I got my starter, Joker the Treeko, killed by that Trainer on the beach near Mr. Briney's house. My only other Pokemon were Maleficant the Ralts and Fenrir the Poochyena. Oops.
  13. H

    Your Oldest Pokemon

    On Pokemon Red (first ever game wooo), it'd be Ringleader the Wartortle, my first Pokemon ever. I managed to get a Squirtle egg from my cousin on HG, and it ended up being shiny. On HG, it's... ooh... probably Nixstar the Blaziken from Sapphire.
  14. H


    I... don't know... it's weird, it's like I'm half bi, half asexual. I feel romantic attraction to both genders and can appreciate bodies, but I *don't* get sexually attracted...
  15. H

    This picture delivers.

    Holy twonk, they're all to twonkin' scale!!!
  16. H

    Grade level calculator

    One chapter of my fanfic got GL 7, RE 68... this is pretty good, especially since it's in my more "casual" writing style. A piece of research I did for Scouts got GL 12, RE 40. This is my formal writing style. A fact file on my home town got whoa, whaaaat?! Grade Level 13, Reading Ease 33...
  17. H

    What is in your pockets right now?

    Ooh. I can list the contents of my school blazer pockets! - Contact Diary - Purse - Paper with doodles on - A Pen that really should be in my pencil case - My collection of bent-out paperclips - A cheap plastic replica of a Doctor WHo F.O.B. Watch - A titchy model of a Riolu
  18. H

    Odd Truths Thread

    My two upper canines aren't canines, they're freaking fangs. They're huge and they're coming down from really high up. The weirdest bit is that I have a freaky jaw, and these fangs are actually putting it right. I get to keep my fangs!
  19. H

    What to Say to Random People you Looked up in the phonebook

    Say, "Look, I'm sorry about what happened. It's just that... well, I'm never going to give you up, or let you down, or..." (you know the rest!)
  20. H

    Random things you've done becuase you were bored.

    Ooh, let's see... - I started on an alphabet but never finished it. - I created an numerical code that is hard to crack 'cause you round whatever you get if it's a decimal. - I've made an alien species and worked out how it would survive (the Ithyicans of Atlantis). - I created a new team of...
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