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Search results

  1. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open The Land of Rabid Anchors

    recolor (the pink a light blue) http://i47.tinypic.com/rws8s0.png (flygon made this for me as a request)
  2. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Suggestions MM's Sprites 4? 5? I dunno

    did you make the absol evo? it looks great
  3. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Level Up Your Adoptables

    click the link plz my eggs are awaiting http://dragcave.net/user/Pokedreamer
  4. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open CLICK ME

    personality: Shy,Curious,Quicktempered favorite types Fire/Flying
  5. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Kammakesashopwhichhasatitlewithnospaces

    FAKEMON: grayish and purple on the heaad designs arm designs and chain on back http://i41.tinypic.com/2wn1dmh.jpg body (silver , tan)
  6. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Closed Blazhy's Sketchy Shoppy

    beached but with waves beside it EDIT:(could i also have a no background version?)
  7. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Closed Blazhy's Sketchy Shoppy

    can i have a "Corsosea" avatar http://i47.tinypic.com/rws8s0.png (made by flygon)
  8. Shiny Cofagrigus

    thank you so much

    thank you so much
  9. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Request please!

    AWESOME FLYGON! that is perfect! can you do a back sprite (if it isnt to much trouble) EDIT: may i use it in a game i am trying to make (credit will certainly be given)
  10. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Lucario's Hideout

    can i request something challenging? dugtrio with claws and angry faces
  11. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Lucario's Hideout

    i sure will thanks so much lucario
  12. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Lucario's Hideout

    can i use it in a game? im (trying) to make one
  13. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open DarkSmith's Sprite Manor 2009

    a seadra disguised as a corsola
  14. Shiny Cofagrigus

    hey drifloon!

    hey drifloon!
  15. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Lucario's Hideout

    can i have a seadra corsola splice with corsola colors and seadra base?
  16. Shiny Cofagrigus

    hey mewtwo long time no chat

    hey mewtwo long time no chat
  17. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open CLICK ME

    can you make one from this image? http://i48.tinypic.com/2v84pxv.jpg it is a seahorse with corsola colors EDIT: i didnt realize how it worked either -_-
  18. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Mewtwo is back from the dead, ready to take requests again!

    hey mewtwo long time no see. can i have a special request? dugtrio that looks extra angry with claws on each "body"
  19. Shiny Cofagrigus

    Requests Open Request please!

    a seadra corsola splice that resembles this: http://i48.tinypic.com/2v84pxv.jpg if it isnt to hard
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