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Search results

  1. Skoonk

    I love Vocaloid, and that's actually one of my favorite songs.

    I love Vocaloid, and that's actually one of my favorite songs.
  2. Skoonk

    Being an Idiot

    I killed Rayquaza in Ruby version and has not saved since quite a while before then :I
  3. Skoonk

    Hey, I really like your avatar :)

    Hey, I really like your avatar :)
  4. Skoonk

    Halloo, I'm back!

    Halloo! I last visited: 01-05-2013 and have just remembered this wonderful little cave where "the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons." I'm happy I found this place again, and with that, I give a big laugh to this laughing cupboard:talking:
  5. Skoonk

    Completed Trainer Grey

    I wrote this a while ago, so I didn't really think to proof read it, I probably rewrite it later, fix some mistakes, all that fun stuff.
  6. Skoonk


    Oh. Sowwy! And as for LiveJournal, what?
  7. Skoonk

    Random Theory I've Got

    Thanks for pointing this out. Wow, I'm not surprised I didn't notice, but I guess I'm excited for Gen III REMAKES, especially Sapphire, because it's the only Hoenn game I haven't owned/played.
  8. Skoonk


    Hello, TCoD, I have a suggestion for the forums; we should have a blog section. A blog section where members can post about there lives, the forum, or ALIENS(I don't know,someone might)
  9. Skoonk

    Favorite Pokemon Team?

    So long as my Skuntank and Cinccino are in the first and second places, any party ismy favorite.
  10. Skoonk

    Do you own any Pokemon Merchandise?

    I have plenty of little figures, I (had) have a (stolen) Ash Ketchum from my friend,there's the big Pikachu on my bed, several mangas, a broken Charmander key-chain, a broken Piplup pen, I have two Pokeballs with golden cards in them(with box), and that's about all.
  11. Skoonk

    PETA's Pokemon parody

    The only Pokemon I can agree with PETA on is Yamask... still never going to play that.
  12. Skoonk

    What Pokemon are good pets?

    I would have a pet Skitty and a pet Glameow. I love cats. I really do.
  13. Skoonk

    Completed Trainer Grey

    Over the years a certain trainer has been making his way around the various regions of the world, collecting badges, catching Pokémon, and trying to be "the best". But another trainer, who is lesser known, has also gone on a journey. His journey started off very similar to that famous trainer's...
  14. Skoonk

    Attempt to be longest thread in TCoD History

    So, this is an attempt to be the longest thread in The Cave of Dragon flies history. You may discuss anything, but please don't just post image macros; Unless, of course, one does simply need to.
  15. Skoonk

    Pokémon Name Origins

    Re: Pokémon Name Origins Porygon is Engrish for polygon, which works seeing as it's polygonal.
  16. Skoonk

    Pokemon Concept Origins

    Ho-Oh is probably based off the Fenghuang, which is a Chinese Phoenix who represents fire and the sun among other things.It is often described as having a bak of a rooster, the face of a swallow, the forehead of a fowl, the neck of a snake, the breast of a goose, the back of a tortoise, the...
  17. Skoonk

    Hello, Cave of Dragonfiles!

    Hi! My name is Derpy Mage, the greatest mage in all Equestria. I am a "brony" in the sense that I'm a male horse. I'm fourteen currently, and enjoy long walks on the beaches of Undella Town, and am excited to begin this journey!
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