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Search results

  1. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Igloos and Dumbbells!

    Good idea! I'll just add like a little indent thingy. And about the Firefox thingy, is it because of your resolution? If the resolution's 800x600, it won't work as well.
  2. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Level Up Your Adoptables

    Please click on Crunchy (in the signature) ! Thanks!
  3. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    The Clue Game

    I'm stuck on Clue 4. I think I'm overlooking something really obvious...
  4. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Move over, Zennyo's in town.

    You're English? AWESOME! Personally, I'm Korean, but I've always been obsessed with Canadians, English people, and French people. o_O
  5. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Igloos and Dumbbells!

    Thanks for the criticism. Is the little left-to-right-align thing on the navigation bar annoying? If it's annoying, I'll take it out. The affiliates thingy works in all the browsers except IE. I'm not sure why; it should work. I put the affiliates in a div outside of my all div, but in IE, it...
  6. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Hi! I'm Crunch!

    Hi! I'm Crunch! I own a website called Igloos and Dumbbells! I like Pokemon and Digimon! Nice to meet you! (yes, I am hyper right now)
  7. Chewy the Crispy Crunch

    Igloos and Dumbbells!

    Hi there! I'm Crunch, though that name was taken, so I had to name myself Chewy the Crispy Crunch. :unsure: I own the website Igloos and Dumbbells. It's run by me and another guy named Apex. It has a Cbox that doesn't work in IE for some weird reason, and pages about a region I made, Krento...
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