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Search results

  1. ThaosDM

    The PokéWalker

    Re: The PokéWalker I have a problem with my pokewalker. I restarted my game and left a pokemon in my pokewalker. When I tried to put that pokemon back in my game it said that: That pokewalker is already registered. How do I fix it?
  2. ThaosDM

    The Challenge Board

  3. ThaosDM

    The Challenge Board

    Ok who will make the battle thread?
  4. ThaosDM

    The Challenge Board

    Looking for a challenge. 1vs1 single Style: Set DQ: Standard week Damage Cap: 30% Banned Moves: OHKO's, limited to 3/pokémon Arena: Snowpoint city SnowPoint city, A city that is self explainable. Snow is everywhere and it is freezing. There is a Cave in the city. It is believed to have the...
  5. ThaosDM

    League Championship 2009

    The Dragon Master is signing in! [CloudStar] Swablu [M] Ability: Keen Eye Move Mod: None Body Mod: None
  6. ThaosDM

    Not to rush but are you almost done with my pokepet?

    Not to rush but are you almost done with my pokepet?
  7. ThaosDM

    Requests Closed NismoZ's Sprite Shop.

    it said: yay thanks I was getting tired of looking at the terribleness pf my own creation.
  8. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Ok I made it.
  9. ThaosDM

    Profile Archive

    ThaosDM's ASB Profile: Active: [FeatherStar] Starly [M] Ability: Keen Eye Move Mod: None Body Mod: None [CloudStar] Swablu [M] Ability: Keen Eye Move Mod: None Body Mod: None [YellowStar] Abra [M] Ability: Inner Focus Move Mod: None Body Mod: None PC: Empty Approval: Here
  10. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Ok umm One question. How do I make an ASB Profile?
  11. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Ok for [FeatherStar] Starly: 1. Wing Attack 2. Tackle 3. Double Team For [CloudStar] Swablu: 1. Peck 2. Dragon Pulse For [YellowStar] Abra: 1. Body Slam 2. Magic Coat Are these moves ok? All of [YellowStar's] Abra's Moves are Tutor moves. The other 2 are all...
  12. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Ok now I have to look on the supercheats pokedex to see what moves these pokemon can get.
  13. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Am I still allowed to change my pokemon Move Mods?
  14. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Yay. Now I need to get some moves for my pokemon.
  15. ThaosDM

    Bank of TCoD

  16. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [FeatherStar] Starly [M] Ability: Keen Eye Move Mod: None Body Mod: None $5 [CloudStar] Swablu [M] Ability: Keen Eye Move Mod: None Body Mod: None $5 [YellowStar] Abra [M] Ability: Inner Focus Move Mod: None Body Mod: None $7 Total: $17 YAY! I did it!
  17. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [FeatherStar] Starly [M] Ability: Keen Eye Move Mod: None Body Mod: None $5 [CloudStar] Swablu [M] Ability: Keen Eye Move Mod: None Body Mod: None $5 [YellowStar] Abra [M] Ability: Inner Focus Move Mod: None Body Mod: None $7 Total: $17...
  18. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office http://forums.dragonflycave.com/showpost.php?p=397253&postcount=3107
  19. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office Um one thing. How do i link it?
  20. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Oh sorry. Ok I edited it.
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