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Search results

  1. ThaosDM

    Pokémon Registration Office

    Re: Pokémon Registration Office [FeatherStar] Starly (Male) Ability: Keen Eye [CloudStar] Swablu (Male) Ability: Natural Cure [YellowStar] Abra (Male) Ability: Syncronize/ Inner Focus Please and thank you.
  2. ThaosDM

    Bank of TCoD

    Thank you.
  3. ThaosDM

    In Progress Final Loss

    The Story Of The Shadows: The first one born was Michael James Anchors. The second was Halos Wish Dementos. The Third was Jaden Vaan Wentz. They all had different middle and last names because Victor tried to hid their identity. They were sent to three different worlds. Halos sayed at Planet...
  4. ThaosDM

    Requests Closed Evolving sprite pets *closed for good*

    Re: Evolving sprite pets I want a fire type one named FireEar
  5. ThaosDM

    [OOC Discussion/ Sign ups] The Destruction

    Patar are you going to post on the RP?
  6. ThaosDM

    [Open] The Destruction

    "Lets go." Eagle Eye started walking away with the Destructors following him.
  7. ThaosDM

    In Progress Final Loss

    The Story Of The Shadows: The Shadow’s are a race of mostly evil beings. Most of them are cold-blooded killers and the rest are traitors that try to kill the evil Shadow’s. The race began on year A1 when the former leader Victor James Anchors created the universe. He kept humans as slaves and...
  8. ThaosDM

    Requests Closed NismoZ's Sprite Shop.

    I want a trainer with a big buster sword from FFVIII and he has a black short sleeved shirt with black jeans and a pair of black boots. Also with hair colored like Noctis' from FFXIII. And a white leather jacket. Thank you very much.
  9. ThaosDM

    [Open] The Destruction

    "Yes we might. Deathmaker. Ion Blast." A massive black and white blast went hurling towards Crusher. "Crusher Ion Blast!" The same blast came out of Crusher's mouth and then the two blasts collided. Thaos hopped off of Crusher flying in mid air going straight towards Eagle Eye tackling him to...
  10. ThaosDM

    [OOC Discussion/ Sign ups] The Destruction

    Both accepted. Yes neutral is fine Patar
  11. ThaosDM

    Warriors Fan Club

    What happens in the end of rising storm? I really need to know.
  12. ThaosDM

    [Open] The Destruction

    <Hello> "Ok let's go. Ready Crusher?" <Lets do this!> Crusher said as he flew off. "Woah Crusher easy! W-Woah!" <Sorry> Crusher slowed down. "It's fine." He sees fire not that far away. Then he hears yelling. "Well looks like our Defenders already started fighting. Let's go." Crusher nodded and...
  13. ThaosDM

    In Progress Final Loss

    This is my book i have been writing called Final Loss. It has many series but I have not yet finished the first series (well actually the third because I decided to start at the third series). Here is the stuff I have came up with: The Story Of The Shadow's: (Story introducing what most of the...
  14. ThaosDM

    Warriors Fan Club

    I have been thinking about making a fan fic. I guess i will do it. Idk.
  15. ThaosDM

    [Open] The Destruction

    "Keep the good work up." Thaos said. "Yes sir!" All of the Defenders said. "Come on is that all you got?! Keep it moving!" Eagle Eye yelled. "Ugh.... Y-Yes sir." all of the Destructors said as they were fighting off Defenders and Eagle Eye was just sitting their watching. Thaos' Cell Phone went...
  16. ThaosDM

    Warriors Fan Club

    I love the Warriors books. I am still on the second to last one of the first series though. Haven't really had enough time to read up and finish the first series.
  17. ThaosDM

    [OOC Discussion/ Sign ups] The Destruction

    Accepted. You get the first post on the rp.
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