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Search results

  1. Bulbamew

    Hi there

    I'm not the one who's just joined haha :grin:
  2. Bulbamew

    Hi there

    Hello there, welcome to the forums. I too started with the first generation with Pokemon Red, and haven't looked back since. Super Smash Bros is also one of my favourite franchises so I'll be looking forward to getting that for the 3DS. :grin:
  3. Bulbamew

    Your ORAS team(s)

    Both of these are me as well. I'd normally pick Torchic, but because I used Blaziken on X as well, I'm edging towards Mudkip. And also I just adore Flygon, although I used that on X as well :unsure:
  4. Bulbamew

    Your ORAS team(s)

    My Ruby team was Blaziken, Pelipper, Shiftry, Medicham, Magneton and Flygon. My Emerald team was Sceptile, Swellow, Camerupt, Milotic, Salamence and a shiny Dusclops. I plan on picking Torchic but I might go for Mudkip instead for a change (my little brother won the coin toss and picked...
  5. Bulbamew

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    I hope that's the case, otherwise a new ability for them seems a bit pointless. Especially as they used to be signature abilities but I think a fair few others can have Drought and Drizzle now. I am very intrigued by Rayquaza supposedly being linked to the secret of Mega Evolution though. This...
  6. Bulbamew

    Slowbro vs Slowking?

    Think I'll definitely go for Slowking then. Thanks for that
  7. Bulbamew

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    Other than the head, Mega Camerupt does look like it should be Mega Magcargo. Magcargo has two double weaknesses so it could do with a little boost, but we probably have enough Megas now. Do we know whether the champion will be Wallace or Steven yet? Personally I hope it's Steven.
  8. Bulbamew

    Slowbro vs Slowking?

    I feel like Slowking should be stronger than Slowbro, I've been put off by Slowbro recently because I think its Mega Evolution looks awful (I'm not a whinging Genwunner who hates everything post-Gen 2, I love pretty much all the other Megas), and I think Slowking looks better when Shiny, so I'll...
  9. Bulbamew

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    I cannot even fathom how excited I am for these games. I've been playing since the start and if I had to pick, the third generation would be my all-time favourite. I loved Ruby and later Emerald, and also the remakes of the originals as well. I just hope it doesn't disappoint but I'm certain...
  10. Bulbamew

    Slowbro vs Slowking?

    Hey guys. I've found myself in a minor situation whilst playing through HeartGold. I've never really used Slowpoke or its evolutions before, but I've decided to use them this time because, despite being very early in the game, I've come across a Shiny Slowpoke in Slowpoke Well. I caught him, so...
  11. Bulbamew

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Finally plucked up the courage to tell my best friend I liked her, it's such a huge weight off my shoulders, and it turns out she likes me back and has been in the same nervous "should I, shouldn't I" boat that I've been in for months :love: :love: :love: I don't think I've ever been so happy
  12. Bulbamew

    Ideas for new types?

    Ice types may be probably the worst defensive type bar Grass, but offensively it is very powerful, balancing the type out. Anyone who uses a generic Ice type thinking it will tank out hits like a Steel type can is doing it wrong. Also, I don't TEND to include legendaries in serious lists...
  13. Bulbamew

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokèmon? I always have liked Mawile, now I love Mawile even more because I have it in Mega form now and it just looks so badass and then it's completely unreal Attack stat. As for the others, Lapras is win, Chandelure is win and Altaria is win, so it appears you have...
  14. Bulbamew

    Ideas for new types?

    I stated in my post that I think all types should be unique. Emphasis on unique meaning no type is exactly the same. They should just be pretty much equal in terms of overall power. For instance, at the moment I'd say Fighting and Psychic are equal in power, even though they're the complete...
  15. Bulbamew

    Ideas for new types?

    Would Trubbish class as a Plastic Bag-type Pokémon? :P
  16. Bulbamew

    Ideas for new types?

    I still think there are ways in which the current type system isn't exactly a level playing field. The three starter types for instance. Grass is horribly underpowered in comparison with Fire and Water, and I mean horribly. It's not just the weaknesses and resistances, it's the moves they learn...
  17. Bulbamew

    Ideas for new types?

    Okay, I don't think there are any threads for this (unless they're ancient old) so I thought I'd bring it up. If you could put a new type into the Pokémon games, what would it be? What types would it deal super-effective damage against and what type would it deal not-very-effective damage...
  18. Bulbamew

    You're Banned

    You're both banned for making me sick. (I joke :sunglasses:)
  19. Bulbamew

    The Diggersby Fanclub

    When I first saw Diggersby I thought it was the ugliest thing ever. I still do. With Huge Power it is immense though.
  20. Bulbamew

    Being an Idiot

    We all did that back in G/S/C. The only people who were clever enough to realise he wasn't called ??? thought he was a girl and named him 'Sally' or something
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